
This blog is used as an outlet for the expression of my thoughts, feelings, and day to day life. All opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not reflect the views of any institution, company, or others.

Products Posts
Most products mentioned on this blog were purchased by myself with my own money unless otherwise specified. Again, all opinions expressed on this blog are my own and do not reflect the views of any institution, company, or others. One or more of the following banners will be placed at the top of hauls and review posts, pending the conditions that I obtained said products. Posts labeled "PR sample" include PR samples or samples included with my purchases.
Affiliate Links
The images on my Affiliate Links page contain referral links to their respective companies from which I will benefit, should you choose to register through them. You can choose to register with those companies through their respective websites rather than using my link. I am not in any way forcing, asking, or otherwise telling you to register and/or purchase anything from those companies. When an affiliate link is placed in a post, the top of the post will contain the following banner, as well as in the body of my post: the links themselves will be denoted with an asterisk (*). Additionally, the bottom of posts containing affiliate links will state the following: *Affiliate Link.
Other Links in posts
Most other links in my posts are references to prior posts of my own, other bloggers' posts, YouTube videos (not made by myself), etc. I gain nothing by posting these links. They are provided for you if you are interested. Additionally, links to websites where you can purchase items may also be provided. If I am an affiliate to said website, I will place a banner at the top of the posting as well as denote the link with an asterisk (*). If I am not in any way affiliated, I will leave the link be.
If you want to be cautious and are uncertain that the links I provide are safe, you can hover over the links in my posts, and your browser should display the URL in the lower left corner of the window. Or, you could use a search engine to find the web page yourself, given that I provided you with enough information to do so.

I am not in any way a professional photographer. I do not have any special lighting or camera equipment. Most photos' backgrounds will be my desk, bedspread, bed sheets, bathroom counter, or a sheet of Borden & Riley #234 Paris Bleedproof Paper for Pens (I was an art student for a short time!). Most photos on this blog will be of average quality, taken with either an iPhone 4s/5/6, or a Canon PowerShot Elph 300 HS. I do not have special photo editing programs, like Photoshop, etc. I primarily use Paint.net, MS Picture Manager and Paint on my computer, or Photogene2 and PicFrame for iPhone.
[note: if you are interested in downloading paint.net (it's free!), please do not type " paint.net " into your search or url box. instead, enter  " paint net ". these will give you two totally different results!]

I am not sponsored by anyone. This is my own creative outlet which I have devoted my time and money to.

Where to find me
Please see the Social Media widget at the top of the right navigation bar. Note: the best or easiest ways to contact me are through Instagram and email, which I post to and check most regularly. My Facebook is private for friends and family only.

Other Information
  1. This blog is best viewed in browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Both text selection [e.g. highlighting] and right clicking have been disabled on this blog. Be creative, make your own material!
  3. The recipes page (linked above) is a direct link to a Google Drive file directory with various recipes that I've collected and uploaded if you are interested.
  4. This blog has been opted into Google AdSense. I am not in any way forcing, asking, or otherwise telling you to click on and/or purchase anything from these advertisements.
Updated 5/26/18
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