Thursday, October 19, 2023

pressing pause on my career

 y'all. this one was one that early 2020 lindsay would not have anticipated. 6 months ago, i turned in my resignation just a couple months shy of marking 8 years since i had started at my company. EIGHT! 

i'm officially a stay at home mom. without delving into the specifics, the primary reason was for my kids. i knew that i wouldn't be able to return to the same levels of productivity, dependability and reliability, and availability. these are things that are more or less required to succeed in our line of business, and i could not foresee myself feeling confident in returning to an environment where i had these (among other) self-imposed expectations of myself and be able to maintain my previously established rapport. so. after many discussions with my family, friends, and colleagues, i decided that leaving would be the best for me at this time.

now that my kids are a few months along into their first year of preschool, it's been an adjustment. i'm finally feeling able to accomplish things that i've been putting off -- like basic chores 😬, organizing my house, coming back to this blog, among other things. i've been trying to better allocate my time by planning my week and days for what i want to accomplish. i've been catching up on some video games. i've been meal planning -- more on this at a later time. and on the flip side, at least one of us has been sick like every other week since. so we've been staying home, at doctor's appointments or televisits, it's been kind of crazy. i know it's all for the better for our immune systems since we haven't really been out and about much, but it kind of sucks not being able (or well enough) to accomplish stuff.

in other news, paul changed companies a few months ago. he was at his previous company for 5-6 years or so. seems like it's been a nice change for him, and his new office is a lot closer to our house.

anyway, this has been what's up and we'll see how i'm feeling down the line about returning to the workforce. but for now, i am on a much needed break. ~Lindsay

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