Friday, April 14, 2023

3 years

 y'all. it's been over 3 years since my last post. i'm feeling particularly inspired tonight, so here's a quick update and general plans for direction of this blog. 

the primary reason for this post is that i didn't want my next post to come as a surprise whenever it is that i'm ready to type and publish it. often times, it's cathartic to type something out and not send (or in this case, submit) it, to be able to further review and refine your thoughts before making it "permanent".

yes, i'm still here! 2 kiddos later, and constantly both mentally and physically exhausted. more on that in a future blog post......maybe? i'm at the point that i'm no longer making these kinds of promises. i have a backlog of saved posts that i started before #1 was born, and i'm not sure what i want to do with them, if i even left myself enough notes on what i wanted to write about. 💁 as far as the future of this blog, i think with the many life changes since my last post, there will definitely be a shift in content. kids definitely take up a good part of your life and change your habits. that being said, i'll probably still post on an erratic schedule, with content being related to either what they're up to (no, this will not become like a "family channel" type of thing), products or stuff i'm really liking or doing, and maybe more cooking-related stuff. who knows.

as stated before, this blog is and has always been for fun as a side project and is something i delve into during my free time. in stating this, i will make ui adjustments as i please. i am a web developer too, ya know! (when i have the time to do so, i will be making some necessary changes..soon-ish.)

my instagram does work. my blog widget (on the right) is currently blank as there are currently no posts there yet. several months back, i made a decision to create a new handle for my personal use (for my prior account) and have a new account separate for blog use. thus, my pre-existing handle @lindsaydamodel is indeed still mine, but for blog use only. posts there will probably be like stuff i'm loving, influenster stuff (this will very likely be the bulk of it...), and i guess other random blog-related stuff. 🤷 to be honest, i haven't figured out what i want the first post there to be yet, so i haven't done anything with it. it will be some sort of introductory type post that will direct people here, just don't know what photo or caption i want just yet. (no. for the last time- i'm not seeking assistance with SEO. i'm ok with being under the radar. this. blog. is. for. fun.)

anyway, hope everyone's doing well and until next time! ~Lindsay

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