Friday, December 21, 2018

end of year reflection

hi all! it's been a while since i've been on here, huh? honestly a lot has really been going on this year, and i'm not entirely sure when i'll feel like catching up with the backlog of things i'd wanted to do. i do have photos of everything, but yeah... i think i'm going to keep this one relatively short and sweet because there's a lot going on in my mind at the moment, but i wanted to get something out there at the very least.

as mentioned in previous posts, i have been taking on a lot more responsibility around the office as steps toward my next promotion. these responsibilities are in addition to my regular 45 hours of client work. so, a lot of my stress this year stems from that. additionally, that stress has caused other issues that i don't particularly want to talk about to anyone, which paul is aware of. which also causes more stress. yay for cyclical things! highs for the year include a tooon of training that i've accomplished, training others, and interviewing candidates for employment. i also got a certification recently, so that's cool. last month, i got a bonus and finally upgraded phones from a 6 to XS max. it's been big transition! my brother in law finally got hired on, so that's another less worry, and i'll get a referral bonus soon. yesss. i also got a new car, which was great until last night. single vehicle--thankfully, but i caused a cosmetic problem that i'm incredibly frustrated as to how it could have possibly even happened.. so that's another added concern, and bye bye referral bonus. ugh. at the end of the year day, i'm glad we are able to afford to work past last night's irritatingly frustrating mistake, we will be able to laugh about it a long time from now (even though i'm annoyed as hell right now), and live comfortably even though our jobs have been stressing both of us pretty badly over the past year. to some degree, no pain no gain, i suppose.

please remember that if you're ever ridiculously stressed out, to take a step back. take some deep breaths and compose yourself. if possible or necessary, take time off and sort through the issues so that you can have some relief and be able to relax. know when to stop being a yes-man, and occasionally say no to things. if you don't have the time to do everything, don't commit to it to begin with and see if there are others who can help with that thing.

here's to welcoming 2019: a fresh start, a new decade 😉, and new experiences!

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