Saturday, August 25, 2018

quick update, upcoming plan

hi! i still exist! i've been super overwhelmed by pretty much everything between work, life, and the house. (and all. the. video. games!) more or less it's the same story as before. i just wanted to give a quick update that i took some additional vacation time for labor day weekend, and i really really hope to get a few more posts up, unlike last time. 🤞 but please also give me a break if i'm unsuccessful in this venture. as mentioned several times recently, i don't like feeling like working on this blog is "work", and me backlogging myself with the things i wanted to post here is also adding to the mental stress / ever growing to do list.

anyway, all that being said i still have a craaaapton of photos on my phone and computer that need editing and sorting, and who knows when or how all these posts will actually go up, but i need to get all of this crap off of my desk. like literally when i get in a subscription 'box' in the mail, if it's not something i'm familiar with or have the name readily available, it goes into a pile on my desk. and it sits there, unused, until i can post about it. not joking. another thing that stresses me out is clutter. and my cluttered desk, cluttered mind(set) has been kind of annoying me. so, as i go through to try finishing actually making posts about...something, i want to move all this stuff off my desk and very likely into the hands of my friends, because i have way, way too much stuff right now that i can't even use as one person.

anyway, i hope this post makes some kind of's late and i spent literally the entire day in front of the computer and my brain is just really tired. 😵

thanks for the support! ~Lindsay

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