Monday, May 28, 2018

notd: color club enchanted

hi guys!' been a long time since i've posted a nail swatching post, or anything really... but to ease in to getting back through this backlog of posts that i want to catch up on, i wanted to go ahead and get this up. today, i finally painted my nails again.. falsies or not, it's been a couple months to be honest. saturday, T and i hung out and went shopping and picked up something new! at a local walmart we found the color club holographic collection, and i picked up just one...for now, in the shade enchanted. i want to say they were around $7 each (or at least the two shades we got). i picked this one because it is different from all the other holos i have, being a slightly blue-green tinted silver. ~Lindsay

Friday, May 25, 2018

quick update

hi guys! popping in to give a quick update, since it's been over a month since my last post. my absence is more or less explained in a previous post, but i will follow up with more at a later time when i'm feeling up to it. (tl;dr: work-life balance disruption) i am still posting on instagram at my usual pace, and still taking photos of hauls and such for their eventual related blog posts...
anyway, i wanted to get on here to mention that i'm working updating the blog a bit. if things start to have a different look or feel, you have now been made aware. 😉 ~Lindsay

update: changes and compliance upgrades complete!
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