Monday, April 2, 2018

whatchu ben doin

hi guys! i'm finally...finally getting back here. i've been feeling pretty lethargic lately here and haven't been feeling like making blog posts, or anything else really. a good part of it has to do with my vacation that we ended up cancelling, and dealing with all that has been both upsetting and tiresome, for more than just me. i will elaborate further in my upcoming march planner post. work itself hasn't been all that busy lately, i have been given a few more administrative things to do recently (around the office, not for my client), but i still come home not feeling like doing much of anything. house-wise, nothing new really. i changed out some of the dying plants in the flowerbeds recently, but it needs re-mulching and edging when i have time and the weather cooperates. we bought some new patio furniture this past weekend. something to note that i never really mentioned before... honeywell skybell (the round one) is a piece of crap and just don't do it!!! πŸ™… all of the complaints! but i'll save those for my 1 year in my house post. see amazon reviews before deciding to buy it! we got ours because it was from our security company and it synced with our system, but are toying with the idea of getting something different.

my skin officially hates me. i have no idea what is happening right now. if i recall correctly, it was in february that i was trying to go through my sample shampoo and conditioner stash. this made my skin freak out, so i spaced out using them and my skin cleared up for the most part. i eventually finished all them. yay! unfortunately, in the past two weeks or so, it started going crazy again and has been worse than that last time. i'm still in the process of trying to figure out what's causing it, as my diet hasn't really changed much. i also went back to my usual haircare routine in late february to early march, sans samples, and nothin. i thought it may have been one newer skincare product, but i cut it out for the past week and haven't seen a change. by not seeing a change, i mean that as many spots are appearing as they are disappearing (healing). and this is not just my face either. it's my usual places (back, shoulders, chest, face) and it's like i'm in middle school all over again. it's awful. i have some suspicions that it may be my laundry detergent as this is a new bottle of supposedly the stuff we've been using, but my clothes are retaining scent for a really loooong time after washing -- like wearing them a few days later and still smelling like detergent at the end of the workday, after walking around out in this heat for like 20+ minutes. something seems different about it to the point where paul asked me if i noticed something "off" about it. and him noticing something. so i bought a different detergent today (another that we've used in the past) to try out for a bit. we'll see what happens. as mentioned before i started using green concealers, and they've definitely been helping with the redness. i need to do a favorites post here sometime... that will be on the ever growing laundry list for the blog.

going back to this blog.. there have been many things i've been thinking about with upcoming posts and such that i want to do or write (no, i don't really intend to do anything different than usual), but then thinking about them has been overwhelming and i internally rage quit and end up doing something else. which i guess is one of the reasons why i've been putting off posting recently. this very post, i've been intending to write for maybe 2 weeks now. blog posts have been nagging at the back of my mind for quite some time, and i'm just now finally taking the time to get around writing this one. something i kind of miss about this blog... well not this blog, haha, but back in the good ol xanga days, i would get on there and write about a whole lotta nothin. daily posts about my day. how i did absolutely nothing. how i'm doing in school. oh, here's some random quiz results i've taken on which anime character i am from a given show. πŸ˜‰ misadventures of ex-boyfriends and shit my roommate(s) pulled. that all being said, i do want to shift to a more casual and candid way of doing things. for as long as i can remember, i typically have written (on here or otherwise) pretty formally or businesslike when situations don't necessarily need be or, conversely, i will be incredibly brief and be like, 'no i don't like that' without really giving any real reason. the latter being more applicable to this blog, haha. i think that if you've seen some of my posts since january, you've probably already noticed this change a little bit. something recently i did like and would like to continue doing is actually trying the samples in my subscription boxes then talk about them. instead of this haul crap where i'm like 'this is what i got, hehe!'. when i first started doing subscription box posts, it was partially because i was among the first to get my box/bag in the mail and it was before this whole sneak peek thing was happening. so i'd end up getting a lot of page hits because people wanted to see what i got. these days, with sneak peeks, no one cares. hell, i don't care. i think that's why i haven't been liking making these posts, until last month when i did my ipsy and sephora bag posts a few weeks after receiving them. i had some time to actually try things out here and there, and found it more enjoyable talking about them.

speaking of subscription box posts, i'm toying with the idea of getting rid of my ipsy subscription. nope, not the walmart one which i was complaining about before (and will have a continuation of at a later time πŸ˜‰), because i think it still has potential. but, yes, ipsy. first off, i feel like i haven't been using everything they've been sending me. i'm feeling overwhelmed because i'm getting stuff too often (for me) and i end up not liking most things and giving them away. i haven't been taking advantage of their coupon codes for the 300 companies they partner with each month, and their ipsy bundle deal thingies rarely interest me. i think i've gotten 2 sheet mask sets because they were reasonably priced, but now i have an endless supply of sheet masks that i'm not using because my face hates me. πŸ˜” (nah, it was my fault for building up that stash, lol.) i think i will keep up with it a little longer, but i'm not confident at this point that i will keep it past this year. additional reasons why i'm feeling this way will come in my march ipsy bag post, whenever i finish typing it up.

anyway, i'm not really sure how i really want to end this post aside from a quick summary -- i haven't felt like doing the things, i want to be more real, and i plan to get some of my usual monthly posts up this week and next -- if i can. thank you for spending the time to read through all these muddled thoughts i've been having and i hope you'll come back soon for my upcoming posts! ~Lindsay


  1. gotta admit i too miss the old xanga days as well but meh times change and i guess so should we. ya know i'm always here reading stuffs


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