Saturday, April 7, 2018

blog update - today's frustrations

hi guys! so. an actual random post about random daily activities!
this blog was down pretty much all day today, i was getting pretty irritated that it wasn't working and i couldn't figure out why. it was working perfectly fine yesterday evening when i put up the last three posts. but i did also mess with some settings because blogger was all like, 'heyyyy, https! you should enable it!'
if you didn't already know, i manage this site through blogger on my domain. as a person who has formerly worked in the network security industry, yes, switching to use https is a great thing and this site should have been using it for ages now! what i don't understand is why a google product is incompatible with a google product and caused my site to be down the entire day with a single click. anyway, from what i can tell, it appears that blogger is automatically switching people to https, and for people who have theirs on custom domains, you have to manually enable it. but guess what? it has issues for people with said custom domains. 🙋 sooo, when i finally decided to disable the switch, lo and behold the site was up and running again. isn't that wonderful? 😑
anyway, i wanted to give a quick update regarding that, and to give fair warning that there may be outages in the next several days as i monkey with it. later. ~Lindsay

update: it seems like the issue is with redirects? my site now has https enabled. and i think the redirects are now working as well.

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