Sunday, November 26, 2017

erin condren hourly life planner - my november

hi guys! so over the past week i've been trying to catch up on making posts and stuff. and since i briefly mentioned us moving into the house and taking video on my october planner post... well here's the video. i edited the october post to mention the video being here instead. anyway, enjoy! ~Lindsay ^.~

also, guess who got crafty in october?! i got inspiration from a wreath i saw online and made a few additions and changes. since the left side is obviously heavier than the right, i glued some fishing line weights onto the back, tucked into some of the branches.
note - the positioning of the H changed a bit on the real thing, because i put the wreath together at my in-law's house. i waited to attach the H so it wouldn't get damaged in transit to our apartment as i didn't have a wreath box for it at that time.
yes, it was still 80+ degrees outside when we took that picture...

monthly calendar spread: love this sticker paper and design from cricket paper co!
week 1: so halloween. we had an office party with costume contest. i just wore a bunch of black and put on some cat ears (like i did two years ago, and i was PTO last halloween), to be something simple..because moving. that's what i'll tell myself, weight gain, work-appropriateness, and broken (needs re-gluing) lolita those were not factors for not trying harder. 💁anyway, if you're interested in seeing some of the costumes at the office, check my instagram.
otherwise, notable things of the week, i slept on an air mattress for the first time ever for our first couple nights in our house. and it was an awful experience. thankfully paul went in the other room after a while, because both of us on it if either of us moved i started feeling nauseated and dizzy. so needless to say, i didn't sleep too good for a couple nights straight. not that we had to sleep in the house because the apartment is literally 10 minutes down the street with two real beds in it.......... 😫 but new house...? and then it was the "big" move. probably 90% of our stuff that was not a large piece of furniture made it to the house in my car, believe it or not. and also believe it or not, about 65% of those items were brought in and out by yours truly because somebody had to work not in this state. at least i got my 10-15k steps for a solid 2 weeks!!!
our washer and dryer were delivered, and one of the pedestals we ordered ended up being dented. so based on the options the delivery man gave me, i told them to just install the good one, take back the bad one, and i'll call and request a new one. they were here about two hours for the installation. shortly after they left, i noticed some minor damage on the dryer console, so in addition to the pedestal, i mentioned this to the whirlpool person and accepted a markdown to not waste more time with them coming back and doing all of that over again.
week 2: so! sunday night, puttin stuff away into the cabinets, reorganizing the kitchen...ya know, normal stuff. i hear some weird noises in the middle of the night and i didn't see anything out of the ordinary in my initial glance. i go to work and come back and i'm trying to finish up the organization, and i find something else i wanted to throw into the cabinet over the fridge. ya know, the stuff you don't use very often but still want to keep. anyway, i'm standing infront of the fridge and get on the stepstool, and i can't open the cabinet door because it's hitting the fridge. wtf. i get down and look at the cabinet from the side and notice it looks weird. then i get ontop of the counter and...i'm still too short, so i had to take pictures, lol. anyway said pictures on my instagram, but my cabinet started to come off the wall. i make a warranty request, and the superintendent guy comes over thinking it'd be a simpler fix because there were other recent problems with peoples' cabinets. nuuupe. so he takes some photos with his helper kiddos (interns) and returns the next morning with the cabinet guy to brace the cabinet, so i "can use it until the new box comes next month". like i'm going to put stuff into this cabinet?! so, we will see next month if the new cabinet works out!
next, i was getting conflicting phone calls by the delivery people and the whirlpool people regarding my replacement pedestal. the delivery company thought that they were installing a pedestal and taking a dryer away. and i'm like, what? why? who said anything to you guys about a dryer?! so they advised i talk to whirlpool again, but still scheduled the delivery for me. i call whirlpool and they are like, yes your markdown should be processed by now, no they're not supposed to take your dryer away, yes they're supposed to come and install the new pedestal. so it ended up being several days of phone tag because i called too late in the day and the other's office was closed and whatever. anyway, after about 2.5 days, i got everything straightened out, and all was good.
(ugh, i forgot to fix that... i took cyber monday off too..)
week 3: this was an interesting week. the delivery people spent 20 minutes and two phone calls trying to find my house from going to the wrong place about 5 minutes down the street from our subdivision. no, i do not live at the baseball field...what?! but they were super nice and were in and out within an hour once they did make it here. thankfully there'll be no more delivery people until we decide to get more furniture. w00t!
next, i've been trying to figure out how to get a garbage can. like all the neighbors have one, where's mine? i set up our account 3 weeks ago, i should have one by now, right? -- sidenote: my sales lady sent us a list of phone numbers to transfer all the utilities into our name. i call and set up the water and the lady tells me the fee and deposit and that it'll be connected the next day. ok sure thing whatever. then i call the garbage number and they're like, i can't find your house in the system. weird side-sidenote, just based on my name and maybe my phone number, they knew mom's address which i don't see how i would be in the garbage people's system for my mom's condo..? weiiird. anyway, she advises to figure out if they're actually the ones servicing the house or if it's someone else. i text the sales lady, and she's like, oh i hear people set it up through the water company these days. then y u give me bad, outdated info?! i call the water company again and they confirm that garbage is set up with the water. i don't inquire further. fast forward to the 14th. for a few days at this point, i've been looking online to figure out how the hell to get a trash can. i ended up calling a number i found online and they are in fact the people that pick up for our house. so i was able to get a trash can and recycle bin ordered, and got the pickup days, because no one else told me that information either.......
annnd for those interested, i posted a few pictures during the thanksgiving party onto my instagram. we also took pictures and video for the company newsletter, so we were all asked to wear holiday sweaters and accessories. i was not chosen for the dessert contest, (with my 50 bajillion cookies) but there were a ton of good choices!
week 4: i'm honestly really happy that i didn't have anything i needed to go black fridaying for. like almost every year, i buy something from the sephora and ulta doorbusters, online of course, but this year's offerings aren't interesting to me. not only that, i think i got most of the women i'm buying for before or during the all three of the 20% off sales. (why did sephora do the sale twice this year? guess what sucker utilized it both times!) sticker sales on the other hand.... 😉  i also got in on the bioderma sale on beautylish. but aside from that, i didn't buy too much this time around.
notes page: didn't use this page again. this month's quote: dream love plan

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