Monday, May 29, 2017

erin condren hourly life planner - my may

hi guys! i'm just a day late this time, but that's ok because today's a holiday! ~Lin-chan ^.~
so if you've seen on my instagram (or not) our house permits got approved and yadda yadda, and the last two weeks they've been working on pre-slab prep like framing for it and plumbing. it's so exciting seeing this coming along! and i'll keep on posting about it!
monthly calendar spread: so... i diverged from my usual monthly spreads shop and opted for this one from Dook Plook Designs, because MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU.
week 1
week 2
week 3: so i really did want to shop more during the PBC sale, but i was on a budget this month because i ordered next year's ECLP already, so i couldn't shop more than i originally intended..
week 4: so i'm super sad that one of my friends is quitting this week, but for good cause, moving to a different city with the bf---who was also in our onboarding group and quit last year to go back to school which is why they're moving... anyway, my onboarding group has shrunk yet again. also apparently one of my other friends didn't tell anyone in our group, but she's moving to another state too, but she's still going to be in the company, just that she wanted a different role in a different location. buuut we didn't get to do a going away party of sorts because i didn't know. ~.~ in-office onboarding group count after this week: 11 of 20.
notes page: didn't take a photo this time since i didn't use this space. but the quote for this month is: always see the glass half full

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