Tuesday, March 15, 2016

9 months

hi guys! we have finally reached the 9 month mark, a whole year is quickly approaching!! and i've got some news for ya. well, not news about me per se. at the beginning of this month, two more of my friends quit to seek greener pastures and go back to school. a third friend got an offer for her dream job and is leaving pretty soon too. a fourth friend is actively looking elsewhere. so our original group of 20 is shrinking down to 16 (maybe even 15) very soon, which is pretty saddening. but at the same time, i'm happy for them because they haven't been happy with their jobs, so i guess it works out.

me personally, i am ok with where i am. my project is finally taking off, and i'm learning a whole lot. i don't have to travel much, i mean 1 week out of 9 months isn't bad at all! and the purpose of our project is for us to be stationed in our office anyway. financially, teh paul and i are doing fine, even though i'm not making nearly enough for the amount of stress this job involves (the job, not my project). i think eventually, there may be a time where i begin to think the same as my friends who have left, but i'm still trying to see the brighter side of things for now. i haven't been on this project long enough to want to rage quit think about moving on yet. at the beginning, i had intentions of staying until teh paul finished school (which who knows how much longer that'll be, but that's another story...). but i was pretty skeptical of my job in the first few months because of a lot of horror stories we've heard and poor management at our office. but i've been pretty much just taking things a day at a time and hoping for the best. so, who knows where i'll be in the coming months, but i'll keep you guys posted! ~Lindsay-chan ^.~

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