Friday, October 23, 2015

4 months at work! (weeks 18 & 19)

i've survived 4 months! time's kind of flown..not exactly. lol. lots of ups and downs still. ~Lindsay-chan ^.~

week 18
monday: spent the morning going through the 50 some-odd emails i got last week. a lot of them were miscellaneous company-wide emails, several were invitations to meetings or updates to previously accepted meetings, and the few stragglers that were important things regarding the project we've been working on lately. otherwise, it was a slow day and we didn't really start working on new things with our app just yet.
tuesday: S and i got assigned a new piece of the app to start working on. a lot of the day, i was trying to work on it, but at the same time, i needed to catch up on what i missed all last week. and i had a persisting headache. thankfully it wasn't a migraine, but it lasted the whole day, making it difficult to focus for long periods of time.
wednesday: it was more or less like yesterday. except we got the help we needed and finally felt a sense of accomplishment.
thursday: we added more functionality to what we were doing the past couple days, making a button to call a particular function. the only problem is that we want this other, existing button, to do this new button's function. so we have to figure out how to make that work.
friday: we had a morning call regarding goings on at our office, regarding management changes, etc. afterward, i went to the 4th of 5 mandatory training thingies. after lunch, we finally got to do the STEM volunteering thing at a local middle school. it was super fun, and the kids seemed to really enjoy and learn from the project.

week 19
monday: two of the people in our group went off to a conference for the week, but before leaving, S and i got assigned a task to do. i left for a doctor's appointment shortly after we finished and had lunch. and i signed back in from home for a couple hours afterward.
tuesday - friday: there was a whole lot of nothing happening. we were trying to work on a few different things concurrently. and failing at all of them because S and i are still not fully familiar with how things work. the remaining one person not at the conference is not as familiar with the back-end as he is at the front. so there were a lot of: 'idk try this, oh it didn't work...uhh well......'
thursday: they were offering flu shots in one of the conference rooms, so i went ahead and got mine. i normally get them in my non-dominant arm, but the nurse convinced me that it made more sense to put it in my dominant arm: you're moving that arm more for it to work its way in, and you'll be less sore. and i'll have to admit, she was definitely right. the soreness was gone in less than 36 hours.
disclaimer: i get one every year and never have problems, but i know there's people that randomly decide to get one and it makes them sick....just use your best judgment and previous exposure/reactions to flu shots when deciding if you want to get one.

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