Friday, September 25, 2015

weeks 14 & 15

it was another long two weeks. one where i wasn't doing much, and the other, i had all of the headaches. if you know anything about databases, there's all these tables and they link to each other. and it's really a lot of work figuring out how they connect to one another--when you never dealt with them before, since you were not their creator--so that you can write queries to pull specific information. that was this past week. last week was actually pretty dull. ~Lin-chan ^.~

week 14
monday: spent most of the day watching project management (agile) videos.
tuesday: watched more agile videos. finally got my daily walk to the grocery store, we hadn't gone since wednesday, since it was rainy thursday and i had all those calls on friday. and yesterday my friend went with everyone else to the mall for lunch. after work, we went and walked around campus, took showers, and had dinner at the mall and walked around.
wednesday: spent the day reading a java textbook. that was pretty much it. there was slight excitement that there are one or two new possibilities for projects, but nothing with certainty yet. (options: ohio, texas, a department store, [unknown], or keep on keepin' on)
thursday: spent the day reading the java textbook...some more. i also found a website that is similar to w3schools for learning java, since they don't have it.
friday: spent the morning in our mandatory training, part 1 of 5. yay~. it was on professional appearance/perceptions and dining etiquette. otherwise, i didn't do a whole lot.

week 15
monday: felt pretty good for most of the day. got to talk with the two "smart" people kind of training us. they finally finished their training and had more time to talk with us and help us out. after lunch, i came back to discover that our phones have finally been connected! yesss! the only problem is that i have to call to get my phone reset, so i can log into it.
tuesday: it was more or less a continuation of yesterday. i got my phone set up after the phone people fixed it.
wednesday: the morning was more or less a continuation of the previous two days, making tables and queries. we had our morning call via skype, which was kind of cool. i've never used it with more than one person at a time. went to one of the food trucks by our office for the first time. it was a local bbq/tex-mex type restaurant that used to be located in the hotel near our apartment..and i got a giant loaded potato. omg it was huge. at 1 we had a call to discuss a previously made app. at 3 we had a quarterly office-wide meeting, followed by a 'yay the terrace is finished!' party. our office building and apartments are almost finished, i cannot wait for the construction to go away. and i'm very excited that we have a new place to hang out during lunch once the weather gets cooler!
[for those who don't know and if i haven't mentioned, our building has a garage at the bottom and two towers, one for our offices and the other is apartments. the terrace is in between the towers, above the garage.]
thursday: a lil more or less like the past few days. ...only highlight was that the morning skype call was a partial fail because something was going wrong with the network, or construction people, and i had to use the guest network to reconnect to the call through my phone app.
friday: spent the day in 2 more mandatory training thingies! it was awful! there's only one more and a presentation class left to go. yay~ TT_TT

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