Friday, September 11, 2015

3 months! (weeks 12 & 13)

hi guys! we are super close to the 3 month mark, crazy how time flies're [not always] having fun??? long story short, i was starting to go kind of stir crazy with studying all the time and it wasn't until more recently that i've been assigned hands-on stuff, which is cool. anyway, it's a really weird feeling with my job..there's several days where it's like 'yay, perks of the job', and others where i'm like second guessing my life choices or something. i don't know... anyway, i'm going to keep on, keepin on for now. i realistically was planning on being with them until paul graduates at minimum--even prior to starting. but we shall see what happens.
~Lin-chan ^.~

week 12
monday: it was a day where i contemplated life choices and better jobs than this one. somehow i got to the point where i gave myself a migraine halfway through the day and was nauseous the rest of the day. at the very least, i was able to start playing with something they assigned us to practice with.
tuesday: found out that i was not among those chosen to go to houston, which i was pretty excited for. moreso in the fact of having to make arrangements pretty much on the fly. otherwise, not much happened.
wednesday: our morning calls got moved to the afternoon so it was kinda boring all day. in the call we found out that we (the group) could be working on a client project that recently was finalized with our company. so that's kinda exciting. after the call, we got a message that someone else wanted to join our call but couldn't at the time we scheduled, so i took the call at home. bleh! haha. anyway, we shall see what ends up happening.
thursday: we found out that the potential to go to houston has arisen again. apparently they think they'll need more people on this project..
friday: it was a pretty laid back day. after our after lunch walk to the nearby grocery store, my manager came by and was like "free food!" and we're like 'nuuuuu, why didn't you tell us sooner?!' hahah. (refer back to friday of week 10.)

week 13
monday: yay for holidays!
tuesday: another blah day of not doing much.
wednesday: they opened up the street along our building finally (yay the construction's almost done!) so we got to walk along the new area on our way to the grocery store. i'm also excited that we can finally take this path to the mexican (fish tacos) restaurant behind our building. otherwise, i didn't do a whole lot new.
thursday: i got to be the guinea pig during our conference call today. it was a learning experience for me; basically they had me share my screen and they told me what to do...for like 2 hours. so that was kinda neat. just before lunch, i got messaged about those friday professionalism meetings i've mentioned previously--they're mandatory. so she was asking me when i'd be available to take them since i haven't been to any. and i was like, well i've got conference calls 2x a day during both sessions, sooooooo.... and i was like, btw i've never gotten an invite to any of these meetings. so she's like well, i'll make sure you're on the list to send them and please attend as you can. ... otherwise, it was a gloomy, rainy day.
friday: another very gloomy, rainy day. my cohort, S, was the guinea pig today. and in short,

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