Friday, August 28, 2015

weeks 10 & 11

hi guys! it's been 2 weeks since my last work update! anyway, enjoy! ~Lin-chan ^.~
week 10
monday: it was a pretty aloof day. nothing really interesting happened aside from us getting confirmed on, what i'm calling, our shadowing extension.
tuesday: i got a good bit done as far as my training. excitement of the day: the power went out for no reason for like 20 minutes... (the rainy/stormy weather didn't come until way later)
wednesday: i ended up not really doing a whole lot. kinda but not really worked on my trainings.
thursday: i went in to work early at 7 to leave by 330. we needed to drive back home to talk to the finance guy for our new car. apparently they sold us an extended warranty and some sort of tire/roadside type warranty; both of which we didn't need.
friday: it was a really weird day. out of our entire floor, there were maybe 50 people that actually came in. i guess the rest did an at-home day, because it was freakin empty. around lunch, my manager's supervisor went home, and the sub-manager lady for me didn't even bother showing up. and by 1-2 my manager was like in a whatever mood. no one was doing anything productive, and around that time a bunch of people were chatting in little groups all around the office..and he's going around happily walking around telling us that there was free food and drinks in the conference room. sooo strange. i ended up leaving early because by 330-4, no one was in the office.

week 11
monday: we had a fire drill, super fun walking down from the 7th floor! and also, our building is so new, that they haven't figured out all the kinks the fire alarms were flashing but there was no sound.................that's real effective! afterward, we all had to debrief and discuss improvements. otherwise, spent the morning working on training modules, and the afternoon practicing how to use css with our group project...thing.
tuesday: more css fun stuff. learned that we don't have access or the software to do something related to our project, so we were kinda just playing around with examples online.
wednesday: not much new. our project manager finally came on our daily conference call and gave us a status update with what we're supposed to be working on. otherwise, played around with the software we needed.
thursday: got notified that i might be shadowing some new people in houston and got an informal-ish interview for it.
friday: at lunch, they had a training/info session on volunteering for STEM which involves hanging out with middle schoolers, making cool things and getting them interested in pursuing STEM topics and careers. it sounds like it'll be fun, the only thing that i don't totally like is that we have to make up the work hours we miss while volunteering. blehhhh. in the afternoon, we had a call--thankfully. because apparently there's this mandatory series of classes that we all have to take, and i got to skip! yay! actually they're doing the meetings in stages, so only certain people have to go now, and others have already done them, etc.

for those of you guys wondering what my desk looks's pretty much a ghost town at 7am, so i took a pic of my desk without feeling frowned upon. haha.

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