Friday, August 14, 2015

week 9...the two month mark!

hi guys! it's almost officially 2 whole months since i've started working! whaaat! i think my posts might be less regular here on out, considering.....what the hell have i even been talking about lately? the posts have almost been like my high school posts about 'what i did for the day'............ but i'm working now.. and now, it's kinda worse because it's like..."well, i'm training, so that's it! bye!" and that's not interesting. lol. so i'll try to do every two weeks or so--if even that frequency is interesting enough. my training/shadowing lasts through the beginning of september, so i'm not going to have my first project until sometime after then. anyway, here's how the last week's been. ~Lin-chan ^.~

sunday: celebrated the sis in law's birthday a few days early, because she and her friend went off to disneyland. her friend's never been to california before (or maybe disneyland...? or she hasn't been to disney whatsoever.... i don't remember) so anyway, we went to cheesecake factory and it was teh yums. i got hibachi steak. >w< so good. (ps, i got regular mashed potatoes...can't do wasabi)

monday: had a migraine the entire day. it was super fun and i couldn't get rid of it until i got home. pretty crappy, and i didn't get much of my training module done. after i got home, chilled for like an hour, the migraine went away. what the hell man. then we drove over to teh paul's professor's house to check on his wife since no one was answering the phone for several days. prof's grandkids came to visit from out of the country, so he wanted to take them on a driving trip of the us. and his wife has arthritis and he wasn't sure if she wanted to go with him or not.... well in the end, we think she went along on the trip..because all looked well at their house. idk. it seemed empty. afterward, we went grocery shopping.

tuesday: [in a nutshell, i worked on my training module on and off the whole day.] on monday one of the other managers saw me hanging out with a few of my fellow cohorts on the opposite side of our floor, and asked me to be in a new promo video for our office. so i said sure---probably need me for diversity reasons, and women in IT, or something. according to her email, my part was at 10. 10 came and went and by lunchtime, she ran past my desk and noticed me (she didn't previously know where exactly i sat i think). she said she'd use the instant messenger to let me know when they needed me......
3 rolled around and i had a conference call with the people from our grouping thing last week. i walked over to the desks of the other people who are based in our office to see if they wanted to just get a conference room or stay at their desks. one of them told me they thought the film crew left---uhm ok that's weird. but it's cool, i honestly don't care either way---i've seen myself in hollywood productions. a video for my company...meh! lol. anyway, the other group members decided to not to fly in this week and everyone would work remotely on things.
430 rolled around, and it was go home time! no adventures in the evening aside from fun swatching this month's bite limited lab release lipstick. i'm slowly starting to like reds/oranges...but they're still really bright! i think in general, they work well for my skintone--i mean stereotypically asians in photos from all points in time basically only wore yeah! we just need to build up that comfort and confidence, lol.

wednesday: spent most of the day chugging through my training module. we had a conference call at 10 and we're all confused again...but that's ok. haha. went out to lunch at a local surfer bar, got shrimp tacos....they were teh yumz. uhm otherwise not a whole lot else.

thursday: spent most of the day working on the training module again. at 9, there was a webinar that our group was invited to. at 10, we had another conference call and the first question the project manager asked was, "did any of yall think that was worth our time?" everyone: "nope." pm: "ok, just making sure because i didn't think so either!" lol.
aside from that, one of my friends who got his paystub (i hadn't at the time) told me that he's getting the money from one of our healthy living incentives---(filling out a profile) which i also did, so that's exciting. him mentioning this prompted me to go look over that website again. there's another monetary healthy living incentive, so i did that today (watched some videos). basically, there were two "paths" for these incentives, pending on what kind of health care plan you have (hsa vs non-hsa). i have an hsa, so every year my company puts $$$ into my hsa. plus i can get the two monetary bonuses mentioned above (once yearly). plus! i can get a free fitbit (once yearly). WHAT. so i spent some of the day looking into which model i want. there are two models we can choose from, or it's a $100 discount to upgrade. so i'm leaning toward the charge, but i haven't fully decided yet. in addition, if you want to participate in this other program with your fitbit, you can sync it with the website to earn points toward amazon and itunes giftcards. free money just for walking around?? (pedometer) i think hells yes.
the other "path" for the non-hsa people doesn't sound quite as good, lol. they have two options. do two monetary incentives, or one monetary incentive plus a fitbit. feels like those guys are getting the short end of the stick. i'm getting essentially 266% more free money than a fitbit....

friday: finally finished that training module and got about halfway on the next (it's an interactive one--finally!). had another 10am group call. finally heard about a project i'm on. it essentially sounds like an extension of our like i'm booked through october now. wow! otherwise i'm still in a weird limbo of confusion as to what's going on with our group thing. all i've been doing is studying..... in the afternoon we had a conference call with a guy that's been visiting our building all week, who handles contracts or something like that. anyway, he wanted to discuss some initiatives regarding us getting on more projects. basically for our field, there's primarily two offices that do that kind of work. ours and another in michigan. and basically our location is so new that, relatively speaking, we aren't getting put on projects frequently enough (employee utilization essentially). then after the call, we kinda hung out for a while, waiting to go home.

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