Friday, July 24, 2015

week six!

hi guys! more training yadda yadda. also, when i get a chance, and when everything's set up, i'll post some pics of the new apartment. sorry that i never got around to it at the last one, but we were there 4 years and it was kinda a mess. ~Lin-chan ^.~

monday: i spent most of the day working on taking notes from the w3schools html tutorial site. for lunch, because we moved over the weekend, i didn't have time to make lunch, so i ordered through that website i mentioned before. the one that delivers to our office at noon.. so it was a local cafe/sandwich shop, and i got a panini with prosciutto, apple slices, and a cheese that i've never heard of before and don't remember the name of.... think crumbly like feta, but melts a little. and it came with a honey mustard sauce, but i had it on the side..and that was a good idea. it was a lil spicy for me and i don't like mustard in general.

tuesday: i took more html notes, then i went over the css and javascript tutorials. afterward, i started to play with the the new software that we downloaded. it's basically a gui for writing code and you can split-screen it to preview what you're doing. it's similar to this program we used in my classes. the person our supervisor introduced to us gave us some challenges to work on--making an app is the first one. for lunch, we went to sam's monday night, so i made a nice salad. leftover rotisserie chicken, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, sweet peppers (the little bell peppers), and mushrooms---yum!

wednesday: i spent more time playing with the programming gui thing and my cr-app, and referencing the javascript tutorials. the past several days, i haven't been getting adequate sleep, so i've been useless most of the morning until after lunch. it's pretty bad for productivity....... and for lunch, because i got all caught up in swatching some haul stuff that's been waiting to be touched on tuesday night...i forgot to make something. so i went with everyone else to the seafood cafe place that i got the crawfish & crab pasta that last time. this time, i got catfish with some sort of sauce and crawfish on top, fried okra, and green beans. it was teh yums! after work, we finally went car shopping for teh paul. we went over to carmax to hassle-free test drive a couple of his options. we're acutally 99% certain we're going to get him a new car just because of availability and new price relative to used price (they're 2014-15 models). afterward, we checked out home goods...because a few of the youtubes people talk about it occasionally and i wanted to know what it was all about. think tj maxx or marshalls home and kitchen departments..but wayyy expanded. and that makes sense because it's part of their parent yeah. we didn't end up getting anything, but it was nice to check it out.

thursday: ya know that productivity discussion we had for wednesday... yeah it ended up being the whole day. i was useless the entire day. for whatever reason, i didn't get back into the swing of things even after lunch. super lethargic and not enough sleep. i went through more of the javascript tutorial and changed like 2 really minor things on my app.... for lunch, wednesday night, i somehow gave myself enough time to make another of tuesday's salad. and it was yums again. yay!

friday: i finally made progress on my app. i got it to round my currency converter correctly, and i got it to correctly invert any inputted text. neato. it still looks like a crap basic website though.... haven't totally figured out how to manipulate it for our needs and look super nifty and app-y. and that was kinda the whole day....hard to concentrate. for lunch, thursday night i made baked salmon (also from sams) with some zea's thai sauce on top, onigiri with shiso and ebi furikake, and "northwest blend" veggies (frozen, from sam's) in some coconut oil. anyway, car shopping tomorrow. we might get the one tomorrow. i'm leaning toward the mazda3 (compared to corolla) because for about $1500 more, i'd rather not have the road noise. that's just me and that's a near negligible amount when buying a brand new vehicle.

hope you guys had a great week!

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