Friday, July 10, 2015

week four!

hi guys! i have survived week 4! and it was a lot of boring ol trainings again. i do have some good news, i'm finally not alone. teh paul has returned from his 3 week europe adventure in poland, germany, and italy. ~Lin-chan ^.~

monday at work was relatively uneventful. i did not accomplish my goal of 100 pages over the was more like 1. and i'm not joking. i really did take notes for one page, and that was it. anyway, i accomplished 200 pages monday, which was pretty good. i brought lunch and hung out with people in the break room. the only thing that was semi eventful was that teh paul took my car for the day (we are currently a one car family and semi in the process of car shopping...his car is almost officially dead). so i drove to work and we switched afterward so he could run errands. anyway, the eventful part was when he came to pick me up. there was a ton of traffic and it took him half an hour to reach me in what should have been a 10-15 minute drive. yeah. we aren't going to do that again and i'm going to keep the car with me unless there's a dire situation. in other news, i finally picked out my health insurance through work--so that's all set up.

tuesday we were supposed to have a meeting regarding prepping us for clients. something happened and the meeting was canceled and moved to next week. so it was more of the 900 page training. i somehow made it to nearly 600, which was pretty awesome. what wasn't so awesome was that i felt burnt out after lunch and became basically useless. i seriously couldn't get back into the swing of things, and somehow piddled around for 4 hours. anyway, lunch was uneventful. i brought leftovers and ate lunch with another orientation person. got home and we set up my 401k and also a roth. painted teh nails. and that was about it....
butter london fishwife
(sidenote, i'm trying out hairspray & high heels' DIY "gel" manicure, which is why i bought opi natural basecoat and gelous nail gel coat last month... anyway, trial #1 went pretty good, it still chipped within 24 hours, but it still looked decent enough all the way through day 5 or so. this is trial #2, which also chipped within 24 hours. then one peeled on thursday night, so i just removed them all.)

wednesday. our groupme chat blows up before i get to work, regarding some 2 full-days long meeting about stuff that was supposed to be covered in orientation week. we go, and there's way more of us than what can fit in the room. then the instructor lady is like you guys already did all this, so sign your names and you're free. anyway, i went back to my desk for more training. yay~. i reach close to page 650 and realize that the remaining 250 some-odd pages are actually a tutorial manual on how to use the software we are learning about. we don't have access to this software to play with, so i moved onto module number 4. module number 4 was actually interesting, it's html, css, and javascript. so actual programming things that i likes and stuff! i got to a little less than halfway through this one. lunch was again, uneventful. i brought lunch and ate with the same guy as of late. thursday will be officially mexican day because it'll make two weeks in a row having lunch at the same place.

thursday. the day went by a lot faster than anticipated. i spent most of the day finishing off the html5/javascript module and began a little of the next one. i took an hour and half lunch break to pick up paul and meet up with work people for lunch. the place was packed and there were a bunch of us, so we ended up getting scattered across several tables and the bar. but it was teh yums and i got the fish tacos again. afterward, teh paul drove himself back home and picked me up after work. otherwise uneventful.

kinda miffed that i ordered the jacklyn hill becca highlighter last week when it went live...and ups lost my package at the distribution center just across the river. like seriously, how did you lose my package just after receiving it, before you were supposed to put it on the truck, a mere 20 minutes away from my apartment??? wtf. so i called sephora's customer service and i'm to expect a new one next week. hopefully it will be intact because i'm seeing a lot of broken ones on the interwebz. also, i am planning on getting the naked smoky palette, but i'm waiting for it to go live on ulta's site because i have way too many points and would love to redeem them, making the palette (basically) free! w00t!

friday was pretty much same ol same ol. we went and spoke with our manager to figure out wtf we are doing exactly, and we ended up getting a time extension for our training, plus introduced to someone who has been doing what we are doing. that person then sent us some software to start playing with and a few challenges for us to look over the next two weeks or so. i'm almost but not quite finished with module #5, i've got about 70 pages or so left to do. then two more modules next week, and i'll probably work on those challenges the following week. lunch was same ol same ol too. i brought lunch and hung out with the same guy as the past several days. lol, actually i ended up having lunch with him every day of this week. hahaha.

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