Friday, July 3, 2015

week 3!

hi guys! we have finished week three and thankfully it was a short one with a 3 day weekend! i don't really have quite as much to report since it was pretty boring. training and stuff, man. ~Lin-chan ^.~

sunday, i actually did open up textbook number one and got through about 50 pages and took some notes. then it wasn't until wednesday afternoon that i actually finished the damn book 412 pages later. honestly, the goal was to finish the book tuesday afternoon, but there's only so much you can take of writing notes and reading textbooks..for the entire day. i mean, come on. so i worked on this new checklist they sent us, which was watching videos and taking sexual harassment thingy and yadda yadda.

monday and tuesday, i brought lunch and hung out with a couple other people than usual. the 2 guys that sit near me have been having teleconference/webinar thingy trainings for whatever it is that they're supposed to be learning for their upcoming they've been getting their lunch break closer to 1, which kinda sucks. (that one guy that i people/river watched with during lunch. and a few times i had lunch with the other guy and his girlfriend (who works in a different group in our building).) anyway wednesday for lunch, guy number 3 that sits with me (and is doing the same training path as me and graduated with me and blah blah blah)--among a few other people, we went to the farmer's market place thing that i described in my orientation week post. i went to the chinese place. it didn't look super appetizing, but it actually tasted pretty good. and people know that i'm extremely picky about my chinese food. if it's not my great grandmother's or grandmother's cooking (or a restaurant they approve of), i'm pretty critical. but it was good. i got fried rice, roast pork, and beef & broccoli. yum!

thursday went relatively the same. i continued working on module number 3, which by the way is some sort of funky powerpoint slides formatted as a "handbook"...and there's over 900 of them for this one module. yay~. i made it to somewhere around slide 160 (on wednesday i somehow made it to slide 60). i also found out---more like realized---that our training path email where the durations were listed had an empty the formula only counted up 64 hours, but the empty cell should have had a 12 in we actually have 76 hours of training. X_X on a side note, lunch was pretty freaking awesome. there's a mexican place right behind our building and i got the fish tacos and they were sooo good. it was soft tacos with grilled tilapia, avocado, and "mexican coleslaw" in it (cabbage strips, peppers, mayo, & something else). so yums. and i ate a little of the rice and beans with it, but the tacos were filling enough---and super freaking good. and the second taco was still really warm by the time i got to it. i was super impressed and must go again!

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