Friday, January 16, 2015

my last first day of class

hi guys!! so yesterday was my last first day of the semester of college. ever. yessssss. unless i go to grad school for some bizarre reason. anyway, here's my semesterly post on what i thought about my classes. ~Lindsay-chan ^.~

  • managing sources of competitive advantage (management)
    • i picked the right section, omg.
    • so most people taking this class with other instructors (mine infrequently teaches this class) have to form groups and do a semester paper and case study and blah blah blah presentations blehhhhh yuck.
      • whereas, my instructor basically lets us do individual work. two exams and in-class discussion (with day-by-day informal groups). that's it. that's your grade for the semester. omg i was so excited.
    • problems with this instructor though, his voice slightly more enthusiastic than he's pretty freaking boring sounding. and his sense of humor is kinda there, but since he's monotone-ish so you can't tell if he's joking or not sometimes....... yeah..
  • business communication (cmst)
    • i feel like this class will be super useful for real life. the only downside is that there's only ever two sections, taught by the same lady. and with that, this class is basically only available to final-semester seniors or people with priority scheduling.
    • this class includes important topics like how to interview, conducting effective business meetings, business proposals, and sales pitches -- among other things. useful stuff right? useful stuff for business students, right?
    • other downsides to the class are her ridiculously expensive "textbook". aka $90 to access a website that she designed and posted 10 "chapters" to.. like, really..? and the amount of uhmkays she makes. she's like the south park school principle guy, as far as frequency and she sounds not quite but similar to him when she says it. bleh.

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