Sunday, October 19, 2014

w00t! graduation is approaching!

hey guys! it's that time!! i got to schedule for my final semester..again! hahaha. thankfully it wasn't quite as much of a rush this time. i'm only taking two classes..again, one that is mandatory for the entire business school (management), and ... communication studies. haha.

the management class is a capstone class..thus the mandatory-ness...and it's group projects and stuff. lame. and the cmst class i picked is working in groups also. yushhhhh. i have successfully avoided public speaking yet again! i've only almost needed to take public speaking..pretty much every semester following my very first.

so tentatively, my spring schedule is:
mgt 3830 tth 1030-12 bec
cmst 2061 tth 130-3 coates
..and work will probably be mostly mwf's. they'll probably let me do 25 hours again--something only allowed during your final semester.. and i'm going to see if ibm will let me start at the end of may/beginning of june. so we'll see! i'm super excited about it though; 3 years and another degree later: i've finally found myself a full-time job!

~Lindsay-chan ^.~

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