Thursday, September 25, 2014

life update.

hi guys! sorry for the lack of a post this week. i'll definitely have the walmart beauty box up this weekend when i get a chance (i just got it!). this week has been crazy ridiculous. i had three papers to write for two classes (2 short ones, and a 7pg single spaced-er!), meet multiple times with my various groups for all my classes, tutored my friend in C#--which i never learned and don't even know the syntax...., and i have a test tomorrow that i'm neglecting to study for because i'm soooooo not about studying right now.

in a nutshell for right now: basically ibm is doing super huge recruiting at our school because they're in the process of building a new facility here and they want 800 jobs filled by 2017. needless to say i've got very good chances. i've already done a technical interview which went alright but since it's entry level they're not expecting a whole lot aside from the basics, and there'll be like 100 hours of training..i think i'll be ok. and i'll have an in-person interview sometime soon. but for the technical interview, i got nearly all the SQL questions correct, but my programming answers were meh. my programming style is more of doing rather than knowing what the actual concepts i can do, but i have trouble explaining what terminology means.... but someone i met at the event tonight works in the position that i applied for and she has a liberal arts with training and all, i think i'll be good! i'll have to let you know how it goes sometime later.

tonight was an invitation-only event, where i had to email my resume to someone and they filtered who got to go. and i went there, with no prior knowledge of what the hell was going to happen..turns out a lot of people in the parking lot on the way to the restaurant were bewildered too. it turned out to be amazing. it wound up being a women-only event and they made us name tags and gave us goodie bags with a nice notebook and pen. and it was just a mingling thing. go join conversations with various ibm people and ask any questions and hear fun stories from them. then they had a few promo videos about this new location. (a-k & t: do you remember ian? he was in one of the videos!) it was super awesome and i enjoyed myself. the restaurant was downtown--so i'd never heard of it--but it was a wine and tapas type place. they had the bar open for us which was cool and the food was really good. i was thoroughly surprised with how the ibm people were. they were so cool and fun. super bubbly and genuinely love their jobs. which is not something you'd think when you imagine IT people. hahaha. another lady was funny, she told us that ibm "stole" her from a competitor, accenture, which is where my aunt works. another was hilarious too, (shortly after the party started) she's drinking wine and saying all she had was a salad for the day and she was starving, waiting for the buffet-line to open. hahaha. a third lady told us that there was a vacant desk at their office, so it's now the designated tea station and another lady bakes cupcakes all the time for everyone. like i said, it was a pretty cool experience with real people, and it wasn't something i would have expected from such a large company, especially IT people.

also, i applied for a full time position where i currently work..for the third time. last time i applied, there were three of us vying for two positions. needless to say, i didn't make it and one of the people was hired and pregnant at the time... then she decided to not come back after her maternity leave ended. ~.~ like really..really?! not that she's a bad person or anything, she's really smart and nice, but it's just one of those annoying hindsight feelings.

anyway wish me luck as i go through all this job stuff--i graduate in may..and for my finance test. hahahaha. later. ~Lindsay-chan ^.~


  1. I do indeed remember Mr. Ian and the stories of geekiness that geeks a grade below would's not surprising at all he ends up in an edgy IT recruiting video for IBM now is it? Sounds like quite the recruiting event...I think I know where L-c may very well end up now...perhaps if things get further along you could show an IT office inspired look as well that is professional yet still a bit geeky? Just a thought. Sending my best wishes to you for career and semester're almost there. Ganbatte!


    1. 哈哈哈,多谢你 A-k! i hope you're doing well! are you still back home or did you get a job and move? miss hanging out with ya. i had a major TT_TT's and 晚上's moment last night and this morning for my test, but i think i did well enough. hahaha!

    2. Oh L-c, if only you knew about the 晚上-type hanzi I see these days. Well, let's see...right after my birthday in June my car gave up the ghost so that put a wrench in things, JPSO got me on board to help out with volunteering stuff for the summer, then last month dad accepted a new job offer in for right now im with mom and j at our house in metairie fixing it up in case they decide to sell it next year. that time is slowly coming to an end though and i hope to finally transition to a job of some sort in the DC area to be with 男朋友 at last by the end of this year...i was hoping Halloween at first but by Christmas seems more pragmatic. I won't leave without a least telling you, don't worry, teehee.

    3. 你父母是好了?妈妈会去Houston也? j 是好吗?你买不买新车?keep me posted. if i remember right, you told me you were planning to move in with 男朋友 a looong time ago so i wasn't sure if that happened yet.

      i turned out getting a 70 on my fin test, which isn't too bad but it sucks because i got half-off on a question where my math was right but i didn't explain why...and he didn't ask us to explain why.... >.> wtf. ......... and i have my in-person with ibm on friday! w00t. when i went to the wine and dine thing last week, i talked with an hr lady and based on what she said, idk if i'll be starting in january or mid-may. she said it'd be difficult if i have day-classes next semester, which is what it probably will be....but i could possibly intern. but she said i could talk to the dean or something...? because ibm and the business school have close connections for this whole recruiting/hiring thing, she said i might be able to work something out with them somehow...? who knows. i'll deal with it if/when i get an offer. hahaha.

  2. Family is more or less OK. Dad's in an apt in houston with a new company, mom is moving from her own apt back into house to help spruce it up, and they'll decide once everything settles what they want to do together and with the house. until then mom, j, and i are still at house in metairie. j's ok, but he's gotten into wow again and he doesnt want to do much else. and dad's ok with that for right now, so i guess it is what it is.

    in regards to job/男朋友, yeah, i know, i had to stop looking in dc for a while but now im back to it, because there's not much demand here for what i do at all and 男朋友 doesn't have much choice right now, he has to stay put in DC. So I'm applying to a lot, branching out to other options I have experience for now, and we'll see what happens. i will keep you updated. To be honest, im considering a small blog about things a la Xanga, but I still
    have to keep a very low social media presence right now.

    Anyway, doh, i hate when profs/teachers do that! On more than one occasion have I gotten the answer but they didnt like the way i did it. ooh, well certainly things have moved forward since then, no? well, i hope whatever happens it can work out for you. I understand it may be better for you to not say much right now, and that's k. it'll definitely be interesting to see how that one IBM building will change baton rouge, since i've heard so much about it!

    I will keep you updated, thanks for the shoutout in your post, lol!


    1. yeah a miniblog sounds like it'd be nice, but like you said, keeping low profile is probably for the better still. i hope that you're able to find something! they don't need you at UN or something, huh?! or maybe some computer skills somewherez.... when munchkin moved to dc, she found a staffing agency and they were able to get her something within a couple weeks or so. i can find out the name of it from her if you want. she had the baby this morning, so i don't want to bother her, haha.

      in general i don't like hearing about peoples' total-immersion in wow-land. i'm surprised your parents are ok with it, or maybe they have their own issues to deal with that they can't be bothered....hmmm.

      so my in person interview was ridiculously fast. i met with the recruiter, and she's like "are you nervous?" yeah kinda. "don't be, you wouldn't be here if we weren't interested in you! this interview's just a formality. you already did the hard part with the technical interview!" then she asked me some general questions to fill out my profile for record keeping. afterward, she brought me to the hr lady's office (the one from the wine-n-dine) and it was supposed to be a behavioral interview...except she basically asked me about my academic information; grades, strengths and weaknesses, and then sent me off back to the recruiter lady. and i was kinda like......that was it?! i got here late and they were ok with it, and i left within 20 minutes?! it was crazy to me. like my two interviews where i work now, they've known me for freaking 7 years but they gave me 2 half-hour extensive interviews... and these guys, oh what did ya learn at school? ok byebye. and even for my technical interview, the recruiter lady gave me study/cheat-sheet websites to "review" with. wat?! yeah.


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