Friday, August 29, 2014

fall semester class impressions

hi guys! sorry this post didn't make it for wednesday, my finance teacher emailed us sunday saying he'd be out of town til w00t 2 classes canceled! lol. so anyway, here's my impressions of my classes... ~Lin-chan ^.~

  • fin 3718: multinational managerial finance (bec)
    • taking this class for one of my business electives. all the other isds courses i haven't taken are related to data analytics and that's no bueno!
    • i took his class last fall and got an a. so i'm hoping the same'll happen this time. he actually didn't really spend time talking about himself because he said that pretty much all of us have taken him before, so he just started at the very least, it was all recap from last time, so not too bad. and he let us out early because he has jet lag, from coming back from south africa.
  • work
  • mkt 3401: principles of marketing (bec)
    • unfortunately, the instructor i started to take last semester (before i dropped it) has the class at an inconvenient time this semester..aka, i ain't walkin from [from home to coates to home for a break and then to] bec to cox in 10 minutes, then back to bec again [on tth's]. hells no! but i need this class as a pre-req for management next semester.
    • the instructor i chose, of the remaining 2 available, sounded more appealing (the other lady's a foreigner with a bad accent or something) and he's a younger person, maybe mid-late 30s. so, to some degree, he's more interesting and at our level, but he's maybe not as experienced as an instructor, but in general, i think this class will work out, it just won't be as easy as the other guy made his class sound.
  • work

  • cmst 2064: small group communication (coates)
    • this class is probably going to be less fun than my isds-presentation class from last fall, mostly because we only made 3 presentations and she lectured the rest of the time...and this class is a communication where you have to be more interactive and stuff. i did enjoy the first day though.
      • our get to know you exercise was interesting. she handed out rolls of toilet paper and told us to tear off how much we normally use. after everyone had some, she told us to get up in front of the class and say one interesting fact about ourselves per square. so that was kinda neat, and different.
  • break
  • isds 4125: analysis & design of management info systems (bec)
    • i actually had this instructor already, for my first programming class. while i like her as a person, she's not that great of a teacher...
    • i am excited that we won't need to go to class all the time since this is a capstone/group project. and it sounds like it might be interesting; we're writing a deliverable program and all of its documentation by the end if the semester.
  • break
  • isds 4160: sourcing in china (bec)
    • this guy talks exactly like my great-grandfather: funny broken engrish and a thick accent--even though he's been teaching here for "30, thuree-zerrohh years" now. he emphasizes things by raising his voice--almost to the point of shouting. and he has the typical chinese communication-proximity-respect thing where he gets in your personal space, literally almost in your face, when he's talking. note to self: never sit in the front row of this class.
    • needless to say, i left the first day with a migraine. i'm not sure if it was dehydration from all the walking back and forth from home and all the way out to coates, or just that he kept babbling about random stuff. 
    • ps, have you ever heard of the who dat pig??? apparently his former student helped with producing them (selecting a chinese manufacturer, etc.) and he brought both sizes to class. they were major lolz. see this video.

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