Saturday, March 15, 2014

beauty blogger tag

i don't generally do tags, but this one sounded interesting. saw it on one of my first subscribers' blogs (paula from aboutface) a while back and decided to partake as well. ~Lin-chan ^.~

1. Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?
i actually didn't start out with a beauty blog. i made my first blog on 6/28/04? something like's deactivated now that i've joined the realm of the all powerful google. but i was in summer school because i didn't do to well in the second half of geometry after they switched our teachers...and well, i was bored that summer. being a gifted student and going into a class full of average/lower-level people, it was so freaking boring. the class moved way too slow, and for crying out loud, one of our assignment grades was basically arts and crafts. >.> anywho, it was a place for me to complain about my day, post random crap--like quiz results and such (like what all the old people on facebook are doing nowadays: "i got ___ from [tv show]!"), and connect with some of my friends who had xangas already.

sometime around t's birthday 2011, she came to stay at my apartment and was watching beauty videos on youtube. i got hooked instantly. at the time, i was already spending money on random crap at sephora anyway, so why not? so that's when i slowly changed my blog from straight complaining about things to more about random tidbits of life, new stuff i've gotten, and--i've been slaking in this department but--doing some reviews. january '13, i decided to migrate to blogger to try and get a larger following, and xanga converted itself to a pay-to-use site. so, no thanks. and here i am today!

2. Whose blog did you fall in love with first?
makeup by tiffanyd .. more like i found a how to use bronzer video of hers. because i had some from a sephora favorites set or something and i was like wtf do i do with this thing?

3. What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought? Was it worth the hype?
urban decay naked palette. or more specifically, the naked2. for my graduation present, i asked mom for to pay for the naked1, and i paid for the naked2 in the round two shipments when they first came out. the naked1 probably is worth the hype, but i didn't reach for it as much because of the warmer tones. i quickly gravitated to the naked2. now, my semester after graduation..or my semester off..i was a movie extra a lot, so i tried to use them equally, but still i kept grabbing the 2. and lately, i'm in too much of a rush to get out of the house, that i don't bother with palettes during the week and just use the loreal one sweep (see question 9, #4).

4. What are the five favorite things about blogging and being a beauty blogger?
  1. i've been trying to gravitate toward things that might be hidden gems that most people don't talk about. for example, the macadamia natural oil hair masque was super popular and talked about, so i bought some. but there was a "compare to mno" advertisement for hair chemist products at sally's. i made a post comparing the two, and people are interested in that sort of thing.
  2. having an excuse to buy new stuff -- a lot of times, if things don't work, i've been passing them off to friends or my mom to see if they'd like them
  3. having some sort of medium to communicate with a greater audience. i'm not of the personality to be able to turn on a camera and talk to it, the universe, and the interwebz. a lot of times, i feel like i can best convey myself through text after carefully thinking of how i want to phrase things. a lot of times, i will publish a post, and read through it several times to fix anything that sounds weird or random punctuation, etc. sometimes i do this with old posts too. i don't know why. haha.
  4. having a sense of community with others that share the same interests. after high school and throughout college, you realize that your circle of friends kinda dissipates or everyone moves away to get along with their lives, and it's hard to keep up with many of them. there's facebook, but our generation is kinda meh about it now that grandma and grandpa have joined--kind of thing.
  5. having bloglovin and youtube accounts. bloglovin is great because after the almighty google killed google reader, it's been a great way to keep track of the blogs you follow, all in one place. youtube is the same reason. i created a google account just to save all of my youtube subscriptions instead of bookmarking everyone. then they kept asking me to make a blogger account and i didn't really do it until i migrated onto here. and it's been nice.

5. What have you learned from being a beauty blogger?
getting the latest and greatest...and limited editions...adds up. really fast. and it's hard for me to contain myself. at the very least, when i find out about such items (specifically drugstore), i have to wait a couple weeks anyway because the south seems to be a few weeks behind the shipments to the west and northeast.

6. Have you changed anything since becoming a beauty blogger?
i try to be better about buying things on a whim. i try to search for reviews or swatches before buying; trying to be a better-informed consumer. obviously it's hard when something's brand new, but like i said about drugstores, there's swatches for most of the new stuff before it gets to my area anyway, so it's ok.

7. What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out?
i feel like i'm a fledgling myself still, but keep trying. try to be outside of the box yet still likable. to some degree, it's a popularity contest, so if you make content people are interested in and enjoy, they will likely come back to you.

a lot of the popular bloggers have many connections to companies. a good number of them pay for their web hosting, graphic design, and do videos, etc. but at the same time, they can make money off of these too. i feel that starting out is kind of hard in this respect because these people are so highly regarded, but don't be discouraged!

8. What are your top five makeup brands? [these aren't in order]
  1. urban decay
  2. too faced
  3. z palette
  4. cover girl
  5. clinique
9. Recommend your top five makeup products. [these aren't in order either]
  1. lorac pro liquid liner -- it makes the thinnest line out of every liner i've tried. dries reasonably fast and doesn't transfer, has a stiff brush tip
  2. too faced primed and poreless primer (original tube) -- it's 50/50 for people if they like silicone-based face products, but i really like this primer and my pores look smaller and my makeup does stay on longer than most other primers i've used.
  3. vaseline lip therapy -- between the three, i like the rose one the most, then the coco butter, and original. i never really used petroleum jelly as a lip balm before, so i'm not sure how straight vaseline feels on the lips, but i enjoy these. the rose one gives a nice subtle tint and smells slightly rosy, the coco butter has a great scent, and the original is plain and boring. lol! it was the first one they made, after all!
  4. loreal one sweep eyeshadow in natural for brown eyes -- i know that some people really don't like this or don't get it. but i think it's great for lazy mornings [or if you wake up at the last minute possible and need something quick and easy...guilty!]. the included applicator is interesting at first, but it works for me. if you follow the directions, sweeping it across the shadow pan on one side, flip it over and swipe across the pan in the opposite direction, and that's all you need. swipe it over your eyes in a similar fashion, with the point toward your tear ducts. and you can blend a little with this brush by gently sweeping it across a couple times.
  5. covergirl 3-in-1 foundation -- i think i like this so much because the first 'liquid' foundation i tried was stila one step. this has the same consistency but it's thick enough that you can use it as a concealer, if you don't want a full-face of foundation. my skin issues are mostly active acne breakouts whenever i don't take care of my face, or hormones. whether i use this on my whole face or as a concealer, it really works well and stays put. i do apply powder over it to make sure i don't get oily too fast, but the oiliness does tend to show through before the end of the workday.
10. Tag Others!
whoever's interested!

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