Friday, January 17, 2014

first days of class impressions & schedule (updated)

hi guys!! it's a new semester, and it started on a wednesday for some bizarre why would you do that, and then have MLK day the first monday of classes...when the last day to drop is next friday. all the people that have monday-only classes or night classes on mondays are basically screwed..why? anyway, i'm only ranting for the people who actually do have monday-only classes; i actually don't have any this semester. ~Lin-chan ^.~

so onto the impressions of each class!
  • mwf
    • 8-1130 work
    • 1230-130 advanced programming--visual basic part 2
      • it's actually pretty funny. he works in a different department, same building as i do and it's only his second semester actually teaching. apparently my programming instructor from last semester used to teach this course. anyway, i feel that this is a better fit than last semester because he actually will show us how to program in action rather than give us arbitrary bits of code to figure out on our own what to do with. less teaching, more doing is the way to go with this kind of class (..once all of the theoretical stuff and terminology is out of the way).
    • 130-230 intro to operations management
      • to some degree, i feel like this instructor was a good choice, but to others, not so much. i was originally signed up to take this class and instructor over winter intersession, but a couple people decided to get married =P so i'm taking it now. luckily, the usual instructor for intersession is doing his first full-length semester and i get to partake in that. 
      • the other instructor, who formerly was the only one, from what i hear is a jerk and doesn't really care about his students much. like, he assigns group projects and doesn't help students out when their group members are awful....
      • anyway, the instructor i picked is really painstakingly boring to listen to, BUT he's giving us friday's off. WHAT! and i don't think there's group work involved. score!
    • 230-5/530 work
  • tth -- these are the sucky days. i work on the complete opposite side of campus from the cox building, where both classes are; which sucks again because said classes aren't back to back and there's nothing over there for me to do for an hour and a half each day. >.>
    • 8-1030 work
    • 1030-12 management
      • so this class is in the cox building, in a 1000-person auditorium, and my professor walks in and puts this up and blasts some ACDC over the speakers. yeah. this class is going to be awesome.
        • sad fact: about 20 people started to get up and leave when they saw this on the screen. like really guys? a 4000-level class needs a 1k-person room? yeah, right. astrophysics probably would be happy if 15 people signed up for such a high level course. my classmates are dummies.
    • 130-3 marketing
      • this class sounds like it'll be interesting. the guy's giving us next tuesday off for some reason, giving us a 100 if we just attend our group presentation (even if we're "there, throwing up" or "fumbling our words"  from being nervous, or "awful at making  presentations"). so hopefully it won't be too bad, this is the only marketing class i need to take and he doesn't require a textbook, but he does require a $15 semester-subscription to the wall street journal, which is not bad whatsoever.
  • self
    • internship course
      • not much to say about this one. i go to work, read an article and write a paper. so it doesn't really add too much to my workload, i'm going to be at work 20hrs a week anyway. 12pg paper? bring it!
    • web development & search engine optimization -- online class
      • so far, not so thrilled. i'm sure this class won't be too bad, but the facts that:
        1. dream weaver is $150
        2. the virtual lab / school (as a whole) no longer has contracts with adobe to let us use freaking dream weaver at the convenience of our own computers
        3. adobe is limiting the number of licenses for it's products across the board, for consumer- and commercial- use
        4. the instructor, who is like the dean or chair of our department, thinks that we still have contracts with adobe and can use dream weaver on virtual lab
        outright sucks. so i had to go locate a campus computer that actually has said program on it to get my homework done. and said located computer was not even in the freaking business complex. even better: our first homework was due yesterday at 230PM, in the middle of the day. it's awful. i feel like giving us til friday at midnight is perfectly reasonable. then our quizzes only open for a 24-hr span, so you can't do them ahead of time. soooo stupid. 

update: due to recent events...since this morning--it's now 7:40, i've dropped marketing and will push my graduation date back to may 2015, which is where i originally had it about two months ago. everything else will remain the same and i'll use the time marketing would have been as time to work on campus on my online class.

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