Friday, December 6, 2013

DIY: cute glass makeup brush holders

hi guys! i thought this would be a cute xmas gift idea if you want to try it out!

materials needed:
glass vase           a disposable palette for the paint (i used a paper plate)
glass paint of your choice (i've got decoart/americana pink glitter)           q-tips (if needed)
stencils (if desired, i have 2 sets of decoart/americana's curly alphabet ags-203)
paint brushes (i have some cheap foam ones)
          painter's tape (if desired/needed)
          ribbon & hot glue (if desired for decoration)
          oven (optional, to make dishwasher-safe)
total cost: $20-25


i actually already made one before deciding to post about it so here's my findings...this process was so much better the second time around. i only had one stencil set the first time, and now that i have two, it made things a lot easier/better. make sure the stencils are flush against the glass before painting, or you will get paint in places you don't want under the stencil, which defeats the purpose of a stencil..........

first start off by peeling any labels off the vase and wash and dry it thoroughly. set up your work area on top of newspaper. wipe surface with rubbing alcohol. place the stencils where desired and begin to paint. when you're finished painting, carefully remove the stencils and wash them as directed on the package. as directed on the paint bottle, to make it dishwasher-safe, allow 4 days to dry, then place it into a non-preheated oven on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes on 275°F. after the timer goes off, leave it in the oven with the door open to cool.

before & after removing stencils

some of the paint got under the stencils in some places, so after i let it dry for a while, i scraped at it with one side of a pair of tweezers (tweezerman slant stainless steel pair) and it cleaned it up quite nicely. then i baked it.

and here's our finished product! ~Lin-chan ^.~

after baking

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