Sunday, October 27, 2013

school update.

ok, by now you guys must have noticed that i'm procrastinating on something. i've reeled out four posts today--including painting my nails, and a post yesterday.

you know when it gets to that point in the semester when your brain just starts shutting down from information overload and no free time. yeah. that's three [bazillion] weeks ago. this semester is so ridiculous. my homeworks, tests, and projects are spaced out among my classes such that i constantly have something to do. and it sucks. big time. i have two classes with group work which we've been meeting practically every other day per group. aka, i've been meeting with one group or the other each day for pretty much the whole semester thus far (and one group member is in both groups!). anyway, here's a look at my midterm grades and anticipated spring schedule, since i got to schedule on thursday.

midterm grades:
programming: 92 A
databases: 90 A
networking: 92 A
finance: 93 A
econ: 60 D
          spring schedule:
          isds 3200 mwf 1230-130
          isds 3115 mw 3-430
          isds 3105 (online)
          mgt 3200 tth 1030-12
          mkt 3401 tth 130-3

so, what am i procrastinating on, you ask? my finance and econ classes are back-to-back tomorrow and that means a back-to-back quiz and exam! and then a few hours later, in my networking class, i have to give a presentation with my group. it's going to be totally awesome! NOT.
just like the last time that i had a finance quiz followed by an econ test...oh, i don't know, a few weeks ago? TT_TT

where's fall break, you ask? NEXT FREAKING WEEK. apparently fall break, which is normally the week before or the one after midterm week, is now one month before the end of the semester, about three weeks before thanksgiving break. i wish i knew who came up with this crap because my brain is completely fried and i'm totally over everything school-related right now.
[now, the spring semesters aren't so bad. we get mardi gras break and a week off for spring break... it's just the fall semesters that suck as far as holidays.]

well..that's the end of my rant for now. i need to actually try to study...if i can. ~.~
~Lin-chan ^.~

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