Saturday, August 31, 2013

woohoo first week of class!

hahaha. yeah. riiight. most of my classes are in the business building this semester, which is a short walk from our apartment--yesssss. and then econ is in the geology building..wut. anyway, here's what's going on for this semester....

mwf 830-930 finance 3716
mwf 930-1030 econ 2035
mw 1030-3 work
f 1030-130 work
mw 3-430 isds 4120
          tth 830-1030 work
          tth 1030-12 isds 3107
          tth 12-130 isds 3110
          tth 2-430 work

  • (fin 3716) financial management: the instructor i've picked has been freaking awesome this week. it's been partially a review of accounting and partly an intro to finance, he let us out early every day, and some of his examples are based on responses of students in the class. so it really feels like we have a connection to real-world applications. so i'm hoping this class works out, there's only 8 quizzes, and that's our whole grade. eeep!
  • (econ 2035) money, banking, and macroeconomic activity: this class, i was worried about the whole weekend. i had signed up for a particular instructor and didn't bother to check it last week to see if everything was still all right. then, on friday after the scheduler closed, i checked moodle (similar to blackboard) and was like wtf is this teacher? so apparently they decided to switch instructors on us. booo. so, monday morning as soon as the scheduler reopened, i added myself to the waitlist for the original instructor i wanted. i got #3. when i got to work after the class, i checked the scheduler again and it said that there were 2 seats open, but i was still #3 on the waitlist. so i was like wtf, i'm just going to add myself in. and it worked. then all became just in the world again. 
    • so back to my impression of the class. i really like this class, he's been in the country only a few years, and his indian accent is kinda thick. it's also difficult to hear him if you're farther than the middle of the room. my biggest concern for this class, relative to the previous two semesters of econ, is that there's no graded homework. like we still can use the publisher's website for practice, etc. but it's just 4 exams and that's it. scary!
  • (isds 4120) business data communications: i'm really excited about this class. it's basically directly related to what i do at my on-campus job, showing us how to use networking gear; it also includes making presentations by expanding on topics discussed by the instructor. thankfully, i have friends in this class and we've formed a group together for the presentations.
  • (isds 3107) beginning programming (visual basic): i haven't gotten enough of a feel for how this class will go exactly. this week, she didn't do a whole lot. she sort of skimmed through how to use the software we're using this semester and that was kinda it, in addition to making a short program and running it. i do know that since i've taken a programming class before (c++), this class won't be too bad; i'll probably just be a bit slower with the logic, trying to remember how to do things.
  • (isds 3110) database process management: so far so good. i had this instructor for the "how to use ms office" class, so i had a feeling for how she taught. so far, i'm enjoying it. we're learning ms access/SQL this semester, so hopefully it won't be too bad. most of the people in my group from last semester are in this class, so it's likely that we'll form a group for the project in this class too.
overall, i feel like this will be a great semester, as far as the relevancy of the courses i'm taking and the quality of the instructors i've picked. my only concern is that i would like to switch to a full time position at work, since everyone has been moving on to greener pastures, but i want to finish out this semester before working full time. after starting full time, i would only be able to take 1-2 classes a semester. after this semester, i'll need only 12 more classes to graduate, which isn't too bad. anyway, wish me luck! and i hope that you all had a great week, no matter where you are in life! ~Lin-chan ^.~

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