Thursday, July 4, 2013

first anniversary & trip

hi guys! this post is late after getting put onto the back burner while i was working on my photo migration. i'm not 100% finished with it, but anyway here ya go. please read this as if i posted this on our actual anniversary date, 6/9/13.

hey guys! the past two weeks on the movie set have been super crazy and chaotic! here's what i did...
5/27: 730A - 530P work; drive back home
5/28: 710A - 9P movie set
5/29: 1115A - 230A movie set
5/30: called in sick with a major migraine
5/31: 5P - 5A movie set
6/1: slept a lot, hung out with friends
6/2: slept in, went to see star trek
6/3: 530A - 730P movie set
6/4: 515A - 830P movie set
6/5: 615A - 830P movie set
6/6: 430P - 630A movie set

6/7: after coming home from set, i took a shower and somehow got a second wind and was able to stay up a bit longer, and i drove us back to our apartment. from there, paul drove us to houston. got settled in at the hotel and then went to chipolte for dinner. i got a barbacoa bowl and i think that if i ever go to chipolte again, this is the way to go. $6.50 for something that is two servings for me. heck yes. paul finished his burrito before i was even 1/4 done with the bowl. then he helped me eat about half of it. then we went to see now you see me--i updated my prior post as for where i saw myself. and around 11 or so, i finally crashed. somehow i managed to stay awake for about 36 hours without caffeine, as i cannot consume it.

6/8: went and got dim sum at ocean palace. yum! for those who don't know, dim sum is a chinese small-plate style brunch/lunch. when you go, it's usually around lunchtime on the weekends. ladies (and sometimes men) push carts to your table and show you what dishes they have, and they put a stamp on your bill to tell check-off how many plates of what cost you had. we got short ribs, duck, shrimp shumai, shrimp rice noodles, and sesame balls with red bean paste inside. it was aproximately $30. afterward, we went to the hong kong market and bought goodies: philippines brand dried mangoes, strawberry pocky, garden strawberry wafers, biscotto strawberry wafer sticks (these have surpassed my beloved love letters! *gasp!*), haw flakes, a japanese-style grater, and my favorite brown rice by nishiki.


afterward, we drove over to ikea. can i say, oh my god whoever thought of this was a genious! houston ikea is basically the closest one to us---at 6 hours away---but we were so confused and surprised when we drove up. i mean, why is the parking lot a mini version of disney?! there's lamp posts with section markers on them! whaaaaaat!? oh and not to mention, there were a crapton of people in there. i was totally expecting like a one on one type experience, like a mom and pop furniture store. no. A CRAPTON of people were inside as well. so we're super confused and we just followed the traffic inside and up the escalator. we grabbed a map--yes a freaking map!, pencil, and disposable measuring tape--so cool! and you go through the display area, and it's all set up fancy, some areas are like minis of rooms inside your house, or the section we paid particular attention to was set up like any other place that sells desks. then you keep making your way around, hardware like knobs etc, and kitchen stuff like dishes etc, wall decor, lighting, everything! and a food area! whaaaaa?? then you get around to the end and it's self service. so you grab a palette-cart and go find the items you wanted to buy (the displays are marked with what aisle they're on and what number on the aisle, you just have to write them down before leaving the showroom). then you check out and try as you might to pull your car within reasonable distance to the loading area. i swear, this place was almost like a theme park..for furniture! we were in there a good 2-3 hours, spending about half of that time in utter confusion, trying to wrap our heads around what we were seeing. as far as product selection, this place is like bed bath and beyond, but with furniture and less really random stuff. [we purchased 2/3 of my new desk, will update when i get the other 1/3 (a 59" table top)... my car isn't long enough...........]

then we went to the container store because we don't have one of those either and it, too, is the closest one... and i got 2 acrylic lipstick holders (24x) and a small acrylic drawer box. so again, omg at this place too. the organization-freak in me wanted to BUY ALL THE THINGS. it was crazy. but i had to keep saying: we need a house first. lol. i loved it in there, but teh paul was being very watchful about what i was picking up. >.>

and for dinner, we went to pappadeaux's. which is funny because we're in texas eating louisiana food. *mind blown* anyway, i got paul to try frog legs for the first time. and they were pretty good. i think they mixed some tony's into the batter because they were a bit spicy for my taste. for our entree, we shared the halibut duo, which was two halibut fillets, a small lobster tail, and some grilled shrimp. it was derricious. >w< and the drink i got was pretty good too: the strawberry lime sparkler. we've got to replicate it at home. yummm. so get this..this place gets sooo busy, they have their own freaking parking garage. really?! ..well, i thought it was crazy.

afterward, we wondered around the galleria mall and got a few shirts at wet seal (5 for $20!), and some dessert: a starbucks strawberries and cream frapp.

6/9: got up early to go to the bao store! yess. so we drove out to king bakery in chinatown to get lotsa bbq baos. my mom wanted some and so did we, and we also got a cream bun which was basically a buttery cream (not buttercream icing!) with their bao bread. if you ever go, remember that they're cash only! afterward, we went on a hunt for animal crossing (it was released on this day) since it was too early to go to the nearest game stop and another didn't have any that weren't reserved...we finally found one at target. yay~! we went to lunch at schlotzskys--since we don't have any of those anymore...and drove back home. before the night was over, teh paul already ate two baos out of our dozen. ~.~ [i forgot to take pictuers of the baos to show you guys....] and we opened up and finished our champagne from our wedding reception.


anyway. that was our trip. hope you guys enjoyed. ~Lin-chan ^.~

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