Tuesday, June 11, 2013

xanga's going down...maybe.

hi all! as many of you may or may not know, i started my first blog on xanga in june 2004. through this past january, i was posting to it quite regularly and even paid for a lifetime membership several years ago, which made my site ad-free and gave me 10gb of photo storage. unfortunately that chapter is coming to a close as the lease on their networking facility is nearing expiration. they have come up with an alternate solution plan that will require a continually paid subscription to keep the amenities i once enjoyed.

so here's my solution:
free google drive accounts come with a good bit of cloud storage, so i'm planning to begin migrating my photos to it soon. i would like to complete the photo migration (and update image links in past posts) before making any new posts, with one exception: i will still make a post for the ipsy june '13 glam bag later this week, when i receive it. (please refer to this post for more information on how to permalink your photos from your google drive account.)

thank you for your understanding and patience in this transitional time. ~Lindsay-chan ^.~

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