Tuesday, January 8, 2013

first post on blogger

hi everyone!! i decided to move everything over from my xanga to blogger. i feel that this way i can reach a larger audience, not just my close friends. my xanga was something i created in high school, back in 2004 when a good number of my friends were active on it. nowadays, there are a few stragglers that come back and check it out, rarely posting. others have moved on in their life or moved their blogs elsewhere.

this blog will be exactly the same format as my xanga, the way i normally post, layout, everything: with my beauty ventures as of late, in addition to random tidbits of my real life. there are only two changes: 1) there are no smileys! sadface! so i will be posting my as ^.~ from now on. and 2) this is not xanga. this is blogger. another product of the ever powerful, google. 3-ish) i may continue to post protected posts on xanga as it appears that everything on this blog is public, if you don't make the whole thing private.

i will keep my xanga account open, as i paid for lifetime premium many years ago and have tons of photo storage available on it. i have archived all of my posts up to today, even the angst-y high school ones that are forever hidden from view. lol. anyway, i will be posting all of my old blogs with their original titles and time stamps onto here shortly. the migration isn't as easy as i thought it would be--the archived posts are not in a blogger-friendly format and the "fixes" i've found are absolutely ridiculous. but those are equally as much of a pain as me going to each individual post editor and copying the html code into here. so let's go with the less complicated of the two evils.

based upon what i'm seeing, my more interesting public posts begin june 2011, so i will start with those. i think that i will keep my xanga as it is, public posts and all, up and unhidden. but aside from that, let the migration begin!

~Lindsay-chan ... ^.~

edit: a note about this blog layout: for some reason, my edits aren't properly showing up as i make the changes so if it's a little funky whenever the blogger techies fix it, i apologize.

edit: why in the hell do they have it so that you manually have to tell it whether you want comments or not. wtf. sorry to those who have wanted to comment..it's fixed.

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