Wednesday, January 16, 2013

first week of class! & notd! (updated)

hey guys! it's a new semester and here's my impressions of the classes i'm taking.

mwf -- class 3hrs, work 20hrs
  • work
  • Statistical Methods and Models (Dodson auditorium)
    • this instructor seems like the coolest person ever and idk how they even found her. she's from da bayou and has an accent..lisp? to match. she works half as an instructor, and half for business res-life---and even wants to apply to live on campus with her husband (a professor), and one of her sons comes here as well. that's dedication. but anyway, it doesn't sound like this'll be too bad. exams in the testing center.
  • mw: work/lunch break (on campus)

tth: all of the following are in the new business complex--thankfully! -- class 12hrs, work 0hrs.
  • Introductory Managerial Accounting
    • she doesn't seem as bad as people online made her out to be; it's just that she tells you how it is: blunt. grading seems fair: 75% correct on homework = 100%? heck yes! the only thing that i think kinda sucks is that the last accounting (intro to financial) was really interesting, but this is only a tiny subset of that class. basically <10% of what we learned last semester will be covered in this class. ~.~ exams in the testing center.
  • Management of Information Resources
    • so this class is basically "how to get a job" and all the things involved in the job search/interviewing process, plus a few other things: like learning how to use a few programs. has group work. booooo. she seems really nice, she's retiring this semester (so i can't take her later >.>) and it sounds like it will be a beneficial class overall.
    • involves: making a linkedin account, making an ePortfolio (, and a wordpress--yay i have 4 blogs now! >.> my close friends who are reading this, you can add me on linkedin now if you'd like.
  • lunch break: go home
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
    • he seems pretty cool. he's a young guy and definitely a lot more interesting and organized than the dude i had last semester. i mean really, how did he pass me? that's why i picked someone new. it's a fairly small class: 60 people but we'll see! i definitely learned late last semester that the online homework site--the practice problems really help toward getting the homework correct and when you encounter those types of questions on the exam. department final. booooo.
  • Information Technology Project Management
    • how to be a team leader for projects, group projects, etc. yay~ >.> instructor's really nice, grading sounds fair too, and there are a ton of grad students in this class. big transition from all baby-freshmen last semester.
overall, i'm mostly concerned about my tth classes as they sound like they will be a lot more work-intensive than my mwf class..not to mention all four of them two days a week. luckily, two of my classes have exams in the testing center and none of my finals double up either. so i think that this will be a fairly busy yet productive semester. ~Lin-chan ^.~

and notd! it's a repeat; but geaux tigers! 2 coats opi purple with a purpose, 2 coats sephora by opi it's real 18k gold topcoat.

well, after a good ole time of going through all my syllabi, my social calendar has dramatically dropped to nothing. i've got lots of homework to do this semester and lots of group work to work on, and work. i'll keep posting what's coming up for that week or whatever as i have in the past. all of my instructors are hating on π day.

plus this whole searching for a new car thing is cramping my style. my dad's offering to help pay for some of the purchase, but he's being too particular/picky about what I want. and is going as far as saying that he wants me in a larger car..and that cars of equivalent size to mine aren't good enough. and one with <20k miles and <3 years old. uh hello, college student: don't care. i want something stylish, within the budget, <40k miles, and good fuel economy. period. the cars that fit within his range are astronomically out of our budget and he doesn't get it. so beginning-of-new-semester stress & dad/car stress. it's not so cool.

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