Thursday, September 20, 2012

school update

so a-k just reminded me that i hadn't made my usual "first day of school" post. hello, 2/3 of september is over, midterms are coming up! anyway. here's my semester breakdown. ~Lin-chan ^.~

work 20 hours, class 15 hours

  • 8-1015: work
  • 1030-1120; isds 2000: this class has been kinda boring. this is basically intro to statistics (exst 2201), which i already took. plus some tidbits of basically everything i learned related to experimental psychology. "this is a sample. this is a population. this is how you find mean, median, and mode. how to use a z-table." i think the most insulting part about this class is that for the first exam's formula sheet, she felt it necessary to include the formula to find range (if you don't remember: range = max - min). like really, range? you have to take calc 1/business calc before you're allowed to take this class, and you think we don't know what range is..from third grade?! aside from that though, it's difficult to pay attention. the nice break though, the tests are in the testing center and span over 2-3 days, is that one of the test days is a scheduled canceled class day. (location: allen)
  • 10 minutes to hike.
  • 1130-1220; blaw 3201: this class is extremely difficult to take notes for. the topics he lectures on are too intriguing to take notes and not fully listen. a lot of it is regarding court cases and applications, things that became of court cases, etc. nice break: he is still practicing, so we have some canceled days due to clients, court dates, etc. and he normally teaches this class at night (it's a 1hr class), so the exams will span two days and contain only ch's a&b on day 1, ch's c&d on day 2, etc. so that's kinda nice. (location: business complex)
  • 1220-1: lunch break/go to work early
  • 1-5: work (mw)
  • 8-1020: work
  • 1030-1150; isds 1102: this is probably the easiest break of the semester. 90% of this class is "how to use ms office". the other 10% is "this is win7; these are it's features". cake. the other awesome thing about this class, 太很多的 canceled class days. we have a regular classroom that fits all of us, then there's a computer lab that only fits half of us. so on tuesday-test days, half of us go to the computer lab and then have thursdays off, and vice versa for the other half. alphabetically, i'm in the tuesday test group. additionally, on weeks that she lectures, she only lectures on tuesday and we collectively have thursday off. so essentially, i have thursday mornings off for the whole semester. so great! ^______^ (location: business complex)
  • 12-120; acct 2001: so far, so good. a lot of new terminology that's a bit confusing but i feel like lectures are pretty good. it's my first..second (isds 2000)? "mathy" class since like exst 2201 (summer 2010). first test is next week, and this class also uses the testing center and does a scheduled canceled day for each testing window. (location: business complex)
  • lunch break!
  • 3-420; econ 2000: i don't really know what to really say about this one. he's really boring, and aside from drawing related diagrams, he basically reads off the slides, making it pretty hard to fully pay attention. i'm not entirely sure if i want to try taking him for macro, but if you have certain habits or appearance(s?), he basically indirectly mocks you in class. he'll say things like, "stupid people will go buy mc d's every day and become fat." "idk how these people can do this extreme couponing thing; they're hoarders and it's stupid to keep like f'n 1000 rolls of paper towels in your house." and other things similar to that, like swearing, but he does drive his point home, though sometimes unconventionally. (location: allen)

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