Wednesday, June 27, 2012

honeymoon part 2

so an update now that i'm at home..or rather, back at work. yay~ super excited i've got my old job back, not so much on the i'm-getting-another-degree part.. but whatever. if it'll get me in a better position than i was in this past semester, bring it.

so the sunday that i posted part one, we went to sea world. and i rode atlantis for the first time. a word from the wise: bring a ziplock to put your phones and wallets in. not that anything happened to ours, we had a ziplock on hand, but just make sure you do it. back to the ride: i didn't know that the huge plunge you see from outside the ride is STEP ONE of the ride.... nope. not the grand finale. you get soaked, then roller coaster. not the other way around. but it was cool. we dried off..eventually. san diego weather is cool right now, like 60s-70s. veryyy much in contrast to here. omg. 100's! anyway so yeah, it took us a couple hours to fully air dry. monday, we just hung around the resort, went to their little farmer's market day, and watched some of monster. tuesday, we went to phil's bbq and mission beach (don't bother with the boardwalk, it's kinda lame). followed by some yumm desserts as dinner due to our late lunch. one's a cheesecake cake and the other is fruit and cream on top of a meringue. wednesday was san diego zoo and balboa park's japanese friendship garden. followed by taste of little italy. little italy is basically the italian version of chinatown. so anyway; they have the taste once a year, where you pay a flat rate ($30?) for a passport card that lets you get samples/tapas from participating restaurants. this year, there were 30 sponsors, one of which was a car dealer. so of the 29 restaurants, we went to 27! @_@ the two we skipped were 7/11 slurpees and a coffee shop. most of the places we went to were pretty good. there were 4 pizza places--which none seemed all that special, two had gnocchi--one was better than the other's. see a mini review below the photo. then on thursday, we hung around the resort a little, checked out (a day) early, and drove back to anaheim area. we were concerned about san diego-anaheim traffic and missing our plane if we left sd on friday morning. the rental car was from anaheim and we had round-trip bus tickets for the disney express to and from santa ana airport, so we stayed at the courtyard mariott in cypress (which was near several corporate office buildings--including bandai, yamaha, vans, and mitsubishi). and friday, we flew back. ~L-c ^.~

i got's the goods!! (the closest trader joe's is in houston.......for now..)
 i go smoooshhhh into the glass! and we go splashhhh!

at mission beach

at the zoo.
at the japanese friendship garden in balboa park

  1. we tried flan-diddly anders (the only one i liked), tower 20 iipa, red trolley, and windansea wheat hefeweizen
  2. this salad impressed me a lot. it's so simple, no lettuce, exactly the ingredients they list!
  3. it was really good. it was actually raw halibut, not cooked--slight turn off for me, but it was still very good
  4. they had tortellini with pink sauce (aka. marinara)--yum!
  5. omg these crepes were amazing! paul liked the nutella one the most, and the other two choices were sugar and lemon sugar. >w<
  6. i can't completely remember, but i think i didn't like it..
  7. this was really good too! it didn't sound like all of that would go well with ice cream--to me--but it was awesome!
  8. meh, average pizza
  9. this was pretty good, it was basically a cold dish, and kind of like salsa veggies (not sauce) and shrimp and scallops
  10. soooo good!!! we got the beef ones.
  11. i don't remember what the thing i had was called but it was interesting. i think it was a noodle similar to couscous mixed with some stuff, served cold.
  12. pretty good, but wasn't warm
  13. they served salad over roasted corn with some sort of italian liqueur mixed with club soda. didn't like the drink, salad/corn was normal
  14. sangrias and bleu cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon. i'm not a huge bleu cheese fan, but it was pretty good, sangria was too strong for me
  15.'s yogurtland.. same ole same ole.
  16. average
  17. skipped
  18. gnocchi in a homemade marinara--delish. we were getting stuffed at this point and were sad to throw away most of it..but i mean, it's's super heavy! only ate two pieces of it, but i'd definitely go get it again!
  19. average
  20. average
  21. skipped
  22. gnocchi wasn't as good as the other place
  23. it was alright
  24. i honestly don't was at the fuzzy, super full stage of the night. i think it was good, but i honestly don't remember it....... sorry!
  25. it's not exactly an italian place...but it was ok. it was a little spicy for my taste, but if that's your thing, then you'd probably like it
  26. not worth the hassle, bouncer was a retard. didn't even ask us straight up for our id's; he asked if we were 21 then answered a few of our questions, then stopped us from going in to see our id's
  27. omg this steak was the best ever...or maybe it's just that i love steak!!
  28. it was pretty good
  29. i didn't eat mine; but paul thought it was definitely worth the walk (it's so far away from all the other places!)

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