Sunday, May 20, 2012

being an extra, work, wedding..

so filming of treme season 3 is now over. and friday, they told us we were filming find out that it was true blood!! not that i've watched it--yes, i'm a horrible person. anyway; SOMEONE, somewhere, came up with the super genius idea of filming said show on BOURBON STREET on a FRIDAY NIGHT. chaos much? hah. we were supposed to be there from 5p-2a. i got home at 5am. anyway; while i was out and about on set, one of my campus work supervisors found me! anyway; it's a silly thing to post about but i'm excited to say that i'm back on lsu payroll! yayy~ i can't wait! but first! we need to finish up wedding stuff. all payments and reservations have been made (on my part at least..), got the marriage license on friday, i'm taking bridal formals on tuesday, and all that's left is figuring out the music selection. 太好了! finally, another super random, all over the place, not make up-related post. i will gradually come back to this type of posting as school approaches and the stressors and pressures resume. later. ~L-c ^.~

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