Wednesday, April 4, 2012

school update/fall schedule

so i went and talked to an academic counselor today, she removed my scheduling flag, and put me into classes. less than 10 minutes later, i was free. lol. so anyway, i went back and checked into the instructors of the sections she put me into, matched them up to who i had picked out a few weeks ago and forgot about, changed a few section numbers and voila. i have the schedule i want now! so here ya go. ~L-c ^.~

1030-1130 ISDS 2000
1130-1230 BLAW 3201
1230-530 (MW) work

8-1030 work
1030-12 ISDS 1102
12-130 ACCT 2001
130-3 ECON 2000
3-530 work

MWF's are going to be fun! ISDS is in Allen and BLAW is in the new Business building... it's going to be another hiking semester! ~.~

edit: so i decided to tweak my work schedule because i want fridays off. ^___^
M-Th: 830-1030
MW: 1230-5
TTH: 3-5

revised again!!! 8/20
8-1030 work
1030-1130 ISDS 2000
1130-1230 BLAW 3201
1-5 (MW) work
8-1030 work
1030-12 ISDS 1102
12-130 ACCT 2001
3-430 ECON 2000

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