Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the older generation and technology... (updated)

for starters; this annoys the freaking crap out of me. in general, people apparently DO NOT know how to reread things before sending replies. i'm not trying to sound ungrateful, BUT...what. the. hell. i told you most of the information before you asked, yet you still feel the need to ask! o_O? i mean, maybe it's a confirmation type thing, but i feel that in written language, i clearly conveyed what i wanted. spoken, would be a little different, you definitely should confirm such things when speaking with someone.

please people, when corresponding with potential employers, etc. DO NOT waste their time asking trivial things that they may have already said. reread through the correspondence to see if your question is answered before asking. if you don't, they will think you are stupid, unqualified, and cannot read. asking to confirm information that may be unclear is totally different from blatantly asking what has already been said.
thank you. ~Lin-chan ^.~


update 3/23: paul's mom just pulled one on me too (partially my fault for making implications), after about 3 emails she figured it out. >.>

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