Sunday, February 5, 2012

nail polish and nail treatment side-by-side reviews

hi everyone! so, not that you guys would know this--but my nails tend to flake and break easily, so i tried out two products that are supposed to help with that: orly nailtrition vs. seche rebuild.

nailtrition is a two week treatment where you apply 1-2 coats daily for one week, remove, and repeat for a second week. rebuild is 1 coat daily for 4 days, remove, and use as needed. between the two, despite how pretty, shimmery, and sheer the nailtrition goes on, it didn't work for me. it'd chip off, my nails still flaked. useless. seche rebuild: amazing. i love it as a treatment, not so much as a base coat. i haven't had any problems with it as a treatment. i have only used it once as a base, with opi's swimsuit...nailed it! and i'm not sure if it was the swimsuit...nailed it! (it was my first time using it, too) or what, but after removal, my nails were stained blue...they still are (you can kind of see it on my ring finger nail). >.> so maybe it'd be ok with a different color, i don't know, i haven't tried. 

verdict: nailtrition: crap. rebuild: awesome.

so, not that i've worn this yet, but i told you guys that i bought this opi nail polish because it's new orleans "themed"..not because i liked the color. it's a totally bizarre color; the polish is called french quarter for your thoughts, or, as i like to call it, bourbon before the rain. it is the ugliest gray/taupe color and it totally reminds me of nasty mardi gras streets. gross! >.> but i bought it nonetheless. maybe i'll like it later??? who knows. ~L-c ^.~

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