Thursday, January 26, 2012


so i worked on invitations, writing peoples' names on the inner envelopes and when i went to put the outer envelopes through my printer, it ate them!!! yes, the return address was to be printed on the FRONT. needless to say, i quit at that point. we'll see how it goes on mom's printer. >.> (i love domo, he's on my lappy cover and my car >w<)

i've still been applying for jobs. today i sent my resume for a position in NO via grandma. i think i'm going to start looking around the NO area more and reel out applications to those, in addition to BR. worst case, after we get married, i can stay home during the week and be with teh paul on weekends or something if it comes to that..... we'll see. ~L-c ^.~

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