Sunday, January 15, 2012

an update

another semester's beginning this week and teh paul is taking one class aside from his thesis credit. we're hoping he can get all of that finished this semester--writing the thesis, presenting/defending it etc. before his professor goes back to poland for the summer and is m.i.a. also, if this doesn't happen, he won't get the PhD fellowship for the fall. @_@ in addition to this, i'm not feeling super confident about this whole job thing; i'm not sure about the lsu job anymore. i didn't feel that this interview was the best one ever nor am i crying or upset about it. maybe it's not for me. whatever. i'm still looking around and applying to places as i need to come up with some kind of income to pay for my apartment and any additional wedding expenses that i may incur. so that's the update on all of that.

in other news, paul and i have decided to try and eat healthier and plan our meals this year in hopes of reducing grocery visits and the cost. we've made a list of things we like to eat and then a grocery list of things we need for those dishes. then, at the beginning of each week (or we'll plan 2 weeks) decide what to have what day and plan for left over nights. then make a grocery list for the items needed for that period of time, plus other necessities, etc. i uploaded a template of what we've started. we don't strictly stick to the things on the second page of this document--to try other things, but these are the primary dishes we like making.

paul just downloaded this group and i thought this track was hilarious; not so much the beginning, but the rest of it:

anyway, i guess that's about all of an update i can come up with, heh, sorreh. later. ~Lin-chan ^.~

wedding: we have picked a bakery and we love it! we still need to book them, but we chose flour power because of: taste, presentation, use of fresh fruit filling (the other two won't?!), and the fact that it'll be a doberge-style cake (the other two only do 2 layers with filling): 6 layers of cake, filled with yummy goodness! >w< sooooo good. so excited. YUMMM!

makeup: my sigma brushes, dry'n shape, sin eye primer, and perversion pencils have arrived. i'll post a 'what i'm loving' sometime soon regarding them.

edit: if you didn't see the update on my post on the 10th, i'm on antibiotics now and feeling much better!

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