Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GRADUATION: this Friday!

hi everyone! after a super long finals week comes graduation! i didn't get the grades i was hoping for, more like a letter below for each class... >.>  3020 was an 85, B; and history was a REALLY DEPRESSING 79, C. TT_TT bringing my overall gpa down from 2.993 to--if i did the math correctly because i'm impatient--2.973, instead of the 3.0 i was hoping for. whatever, it's over with. if i get this campus job i've applied for, i'll be going back to school soon for some other degree. we'll see what happens. ~L-c ^.~

i'll be graduating with an approximate 2.97 and a total of 149+3(for testing out) credit hours.
what a wonderful sight:

wedding progress: not much since last time. planning on ordering-ed invitations later this week once we double check everything and make sure everyone is cool with them.

here's the front cover!

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