Saturday, October 22, 2011

the final stretch...

so. again. a lot of crazy stuff has been going on, my family drives me crazy, and school--among other things. thankfully, my eye infection has completely gone away and i look normal again. >.> got my flu shot this week too--paul kept forgetting about it and constantly hit and grabbed my arm. TT_TT unfortunately, i didn't do as well on my test this past week as i would have liked and now have to go into crazy study mode to make up for it (not that i did poorly, but i'm shooting for an 'a' here..) then, i've got another test this coming week for my history class.

then, seemingly all of a sudden, my aunts decided to plan a bridal party/immediate family (females only) luncheon.......without asking me where i wanted to go and if i were available on one of two dates that i was not given the option to choose. i mean, it's nice and all that they want to throw this for me--power to them--but you have to work with the person that the party's for, when it's not supposed to be a surprise. sorry, but planning something right now for the end of december is not cutting it for me. i've got other stuff going on than to be concerned with all that crap. much less, they gave me piecemeal information regarding what the hell was going on. "are you and your bridesmaids going to be in for xmas break?"--to me, this means: you, your bridesmaids, moms, grandma, and i will go out to lunch (~9 people). it does not mean we want to invite everyone-everyone and mail them invitations (~20 people). the worst part is that my aunt refuses to recognize that there is a time difference between eastern and central, and continues to text me at 7 or 8 am for no reason whatsoever. i basically emailed her asking wtf was going on and in her reply, she finally explained herself; it's a big luncheon, yada yada. in it, she was like "well i tried calling [place A] for the 31st (our preferred date) but they're booked." and i didn't mind this restaurant choice, but i'm like who the hell said that the 31st was an ideal day to go? who is included in this 'our'??? because i certainly didn't pick it. "[my cousins] said that [place B] is still good, we could try going there." who said i liked B? i don't. and those cousins are not good enough food critics for me to say, "YES! let's go there!". no. it was even harder dealing with her because, with my situation, i don't know if those two dates are even possible to go do anything. i don't have a job yet, i don't know where it'll be when i get one (no or br), and who's to say they'd let me off work for that day?--whatever it is that i'm doing. in addition, my bridesmaids my or may not be working. sharon works at a bridal store--their biggest day of the week is saturday (12/31 is one)--and is basically not allowed to take it off. it's ridiculous that, with paul's 6 years of observation, he told me, "you have to fight with them [my family] for control over the party they're throwing you; because if you don't, ..." well, basically all hell will break loose and you'll have the problems and concerns that i mentioned above. sorry for sounding ungrateful about it, but these guys gave me zero information, zero control, and most importantly zero input. at any rate, this thing is canceled for the time being.

wedding progress: "built" our invites and programs

edit: mom's >>brown<< dress came in! and i've started to break in my shoes (today).

wedding to do's: (c&p'd from an old post, updated)
  • decide on cake designs & buy a cake topper
  • schedule cake tastings and pick a bakery
  • find a florist
  • order invitations & programs, stamps --- we might scrap the idea of programs, but i think we've picked the invitations/response cards.
  • buy flower baskets (2 fg's), ring pillow, toasting glasses, cake serving set
  • go register
  • figure out what to get as favors/buy them
  • tell the person who is marrying us that he's marrying us
  • obtain a marriage license
mini schedule:
10/27: 3rd psyc history exam
long-term: find a full-time job, preferably in br area. >.>

my announcements came in!

i remembered something a few days after my previous posting and added it to the bottom of said post. most of you facebook people already saw it, but i guess it's for the other "masses". i use masses in quotes here because i have come to the realization that there was a huge spike in post views when i released the "NOT wedding dresses" posts. i find it unfortunate that people are more interested in photographs of myself and others wearing clothing that we decided to not purchase for such an event. you're not going to see similar, additional photographs like those for a long time.  i'd like to mention that the vast majority of my family has no access to- nor knowledge of this blog's existence, so i'm fully aware that they are not part of the spike. nonetheless, i appreciate those who still follow and comment. to be honest, you guys are more than when i started blogging--and that was in the days of high school drama, angst, etc. ...and i was posting every day back then too, going out of my way to post whether it was important or not, for all of two page hits. i can't believe it's been over seven years since i've made this thing. hmmm...... regardless, i placed this rant at the bottom of this post so that people don't feel that i'm judging them from the get-go when they see the preview on facebook. with that said, only you guys--my avid readers, will sad as that is. anyway, thanks for always showing an interest and "listening" to all of my complaints. =P ~L-c ^.~

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