Monday, October 10, 2011

update & pre-wedding mani

hmm i've just realized that it's been a while since i've last posted. not too much has been really going on since my last post. i took my second psyc history test and got a 72. >.> i somehow acquired an eye infection (over a week ago) and am on prescription eye drops for the time being. i went home this weekend and got my hair cut and i finally got my suit (for interviews) altered. also as a first, got a french manicure this saturday. and i seriously mean like two days ago saturday, less than 48 hours ago. but, based on the following photos, it probably doesn't look that way. i'm still trying to decide if this is going to be worth it to do for the wedding or not. but alas. and as for wedding stuff.. i picked up tarryn's dress last weekend and mom's this past. well... i sort of picked up mom's dress. it turned out to be the wrong color. basically, some genius designer at david's bridal decided to name two colors of a particular style of dress "ink" (blue) and "mink" (brown). now, mom did try on this dress in ink for size, but all records of the purchase, etc. say "mink". so, when i went to pick it up, it didn't phase me (or sharon for that matter) that the dress was blue until i was at home, two hours later, when mom was like, "why's it blue??" oooh yeah. it's supposed to be brown! >.< anyway, all i've got to say is that it's a good thing we ordered it early and have enough time to exchange it before the wedding. oh yes, also for the wedding--i got the sample invitations and i also ordered and received sample programs to choose from. i haven't shown them to anyone but mom yet, and i haven't completely decided on designs (and price for that matter) yet. also last weekend, i decided to bring all my art stuff back to baton rouge for the first time in like 3 years. i've been trying to sketch cake designs..or at least a design ^^; but i haven't quite decided what i want to do yet....... well i think that's about it for today. later. ~L-c ^.~


mini schedule:
10/13-14: fall break/work
10/14: eye doctor follow up
10/18: mom, aunt jess, and natalie's birthdays
10/19: 2nd 3020 exam
long-term: find a full-time job in br area. >.>

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