Friday, August 19, 2011

the end is near!

went home for the week to get away from br and to celebrate 3 birthdays. and well, aside from dining out..A LOT, birthday celebrations, etc. i got a lot of stuff accomplished. did some shopping for a few things for my new apartment and bought bridesmaid gifts/accessories, my shoes and handbag. then we spent a few days going over photographer information and talking to photographers. today, we've officially booked our photographer! yay~! FINALLY. >.< updated my blog layout and design a little.. sorry as always for the text color/background combination! >.< well that's about all i've got for ya. class starts on monday--well not for me at least. ^^; final semester: 6 hours! w00t! lol, later! ~Lin-chan ^.~

anticipated fall schedule (copied from previous post):
mw 730-330 work
tth 9-1030 psyc 4008--history
tth 1030-330 work
th 6-9p psyc 3020--"psyc tests measure"???

Paul's present from Sharon & Adolfo--the bag and twilight card were payback for the weird homemade cards he and ryan gave sharon for her birthday and graduation.

who else is excited for mechacon next week?!
removed my "convenient [wedding] links" from the header and added a tags module to the bottom of the right column.
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