Tuesday, December 27, 2011

christmas "haul"!


post edited/updated.

下午好每个人! how was your christmas? mine was ok for the most part. i can't wait until next year when things'll be calmed down a bit--aka, not feeling obligated to go to 4+ households between two days. not only is it a difficult task, but it's frustratingly stressful when it comes to my mom's family. paul's family and my dad's: they're all relaxed and carefree. mom's: "I NEED THIS NOW! DO THIS NOW! COOK THIS! GO HERE NOW!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!" etc. i can't take it anymore; the hypocrisy and bipolarity of some of these guys, it's ridiculous. anyway, i did receive a few things that i had wanted for christmas; some items, i went and bought myself afterward. ^^; i surprisingly didn't get a whole lot of gift cards this year--i got about 6 total between graduation and christmas, gifts for both occasions were mostly money.
gift highlights (with links!):
  • Clarisonic Mia (turquoise) -- which i bought today at Dillards, partially with a gift card
  • Urban Decay Naked and Naked2 palettes -- eyeshadow (mom bought the 1 and i bought the 2)
  • Givenchy "Play" perfume
  • nails inc. magnetic nail polish -- in houses of parliament (purple) and whitehall teal
  • two sets of awesome snapware containers for nail polish storage as shown here
  • a paper shredder (bought myself)
  • gift wrap organizer
  • LSU diploma frame, from--surprisingly--Bed, Bath & Beyond
  • River Road Recipes I -- apparently it's the Louisiana cookbook. put in perspective: i have the 77th printing of this book.
  • Make the Bread, Buy the Butter -- a cookbook
  • games: 2 ds and 1 wii
  • The Boondocks seasons 1 & 2 (bought myself)
  • Miyavi's What's My Name?
  • Harajuku Lovers "Wicked Style: Baby" perfume (bought myself)
then, yesterday, for my "graduation dinner", my grandparents and dad took paul and i to lunch at commander's palace. yum! i got the three course creole luncheon. i'm not a turtle soup connoisseur so i thought it was ok, not really knowing what the hype is all about. the quail was so cute, little drumlets >w< i thought the quail and sauce were pretty good, but i'm not a big fan of stuffing in general, so i say the stuffing was ok. the dessert was awesome...despite the fact that i got full and couldn't eat it all: bread pudding souffle. yum! >w<
i ordered some graduation photos the other day, and i don't really have many interesting graduation photos for you guys to see out of what is currently available to me. dad and grandpa took a bunch, so whenever i get my hands on those... we'll see. anyway, i suppose that's about all i've got for you guys! wish me luck for my second lsu interview on the 6th! ~L-c ^.~

wedding: haven't gotten the stamps yet--they're en route. need to do: cake testing, create a registry, pick a florist, obtain marriage license, pick a pastor, buy ceremony items: flower baskets, ring pillow.

yes. it is purple, not black.
these are my grandparents

Thursday, December 22, 2011


so the past week has been the most boring, be-a-bum week ever (now that i don't have a job)... not entirely. i had a phone interview yesterday and got a call back today for part dos in january! yatta! ok, that's all i've got for ya. ^^; happy holidays! ~L-c ^.~

wedding: got this lovely ~15 lb. package in the mail yesterday--invitations, response cards, and thank you's. now to go weigh it [a "complete" invitation] and order stamps! stamps: ordered!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

GRADUATION: this Friday!

hi everyone! after a super long finals week comes graduation! i didn't get the grades i was hoping for, more like a letter below for each class... >.>  3020 was an 85, B; and history was a REALLY DEPRESSING 79, C. TT_TT bringing my overall gpa down from 2.993 to--if i did the math correctly because i'm impatient--2.973, instead of the 3.0 i was hoping for. whatever, it's over with. if i get this campus job i've applied for, i'll be going back to school soon for some other degree. we'll see what happens. ~L-c ^.~

i'll be graduating with an approximate 2.97 and a total of 149+3(for testing out) credit hours.
what a wonderful sight:

wedding progress: not much since last time. planning on ordering-ed invitations later this week once we double check everything and make sure everyone is cool with them.

here's the front cover!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


sorry I haven't made a post in a while; it was finals week--of which, my last one was today, but anyway it's been busy. i'll try and post again in the next few days. graduation is on friday!!! ~L-c ^.~

went home and found my postcard from a-k today! yay~

Monday, November 21, 2011

graduation's around the corner, but a job??

alrighty, i think it's time for another post... so, since my last post: my supervisor at work got married; i've applied to a couple jobs via the staffing company, was interviewed, and not chosen; took another history exam and am waiting for them to post scores. then this weekend, a job opened up in the building i'm working in now, which i applied for and am very excited about. wish me luck! >w< paul still hasn't been given a "yay" or "nay" for the phd fellowship he applied to, but his plan b is with his instructor's company in BR. we're really hoping to find out about that soon. as for wedding stuff, we've pretty much finalized the family wedding list and plan on ordering the invites sometime soon. like i said last time, we'll ask you for your addresses in due time and please don't think we hate you if we are unable to invite you. as it is, the list of anticipated guests jumped back up close to 300, when we were trying to keep it down to 250. >.> well that's about all i've got for you guys right now. later. ~L-c ^.~

mini schedule:
12/1: presentation for night class 
12/6: night class final via computer-based
12/10: psyc history final TT_TT a saturday?! 为什么?!12/16: graduation

no changes in the wedding to-do's.

edit: oh yes, i forgot about the sushi class! lsu has leisure classes that you can sign up for, so sharon and i took the sushi class. yum~!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ok so most of you guys failed to notice my last post, i'm not sure if it was because of my lack of description or what. in short: the link is to an anime face maker where you can customize it however you want with the options available. here's the link again.

so back to news, daily life, etc. i've been looking around at jobs and stuff and am now registered with a staffing company which will hopefully find something for me. i applied as an office assistant and i did pretty well on their tests. got 100% on data entry (keypad use and accuracy), 75 gwam (the average person types 30-40), 90% on ms excel, ~80% on ms word. if you want to test your gwam speed, i used this as a sort of practice/tester. it's not completely accurate because, well..american english is a little different from british english, but your score'll be pretty close. so the past several days, i've been gathering people's mailing addresses for graduation announcements and wedding invites--and by people, i mean paul's and my family. we're planning on doing two separate mailings (family & bridal party, then friends)--so don't freak out that i didn't ask you for your address yet. and like i said before, we can't invite everyone either. so, i apologize on that aspect too. but i'm trying to gather all this information to finish figuring out numbers so we can order invites, response cards, and stamps. if you guys didn't know, the price of stamps is going up in january, so buy forever stamps now! =P going to a wedding this weekend and super excited. hopefully, while there, paul and i can take a nice picture together..we haven't taken a picture together in a while..his graduation?? well i think that's about it as far as what's up lately. later. ~L-c ^.~
wedding to do's: (c&p'd from old posts)
  • decide on cake designs & buy a cake topper
  • schedule cake tastings and pick a bakery
  • find a florist
  • figure out the invitation count and order invitations, response cards, & stamps
  • buy flower baskets (2 fg's), ring pillow, toasting glasses, cake serving set
  • register somewhere
  • figure out what to get as favors/buy them
  • tell the person who is marrying us that he's marrying us
  • obtain a marriage license

Friday, October 28, 2011

this is so cool!!! i had to share with you guys: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/289/5/5/anime_face_maker_2_by_gen8-d30uny4.swf
i made myself! with an "ehhh?" expression >w< ~L-c ^.~

Saturday, October 22, 2011

the final stretch...

so. again. a lot of crazy stuff has been going on, my family drives me crazy, and school--among other things. thankfully, my eye infection has completely gone away and i look normal again. >.> got my flu shot this week too--paul kept forgetting about it and constantly hit and grabbed my arm. TT_TT unfortunately, i didn't do as well on my test this past week as i would have liked and now have to go into crazy study mode to make up for it (not that i did poorly, but i'm shooting for an 'a' here..) then, i've got another test this coming week for my history class.

then, seemingly all of a sudden, my aunts decided to plan a bridal party/immediate family (females only) luncheon.......without asking me where i wanted to go and if i were available on one of two dates that i was not given the option to choose. i mean, it's nice and all that they want to throw this for me--power to them--but you have to work with the person that the party's for, when it's not supposed to be a surprise. sorry, but planning something right now for the end of december is not cutting it for me. i've got other stuff going on than to be concerned with all that crap. much less, they gave me piecemeal information regarding what the hell was going on. "are you and your bridesmaids going to be in for xmas break?"--to me, this means: you, your bridesmaids, moms, grandma, and i will go out to lunch (~9 people). it does not mean we want to invite everyone-everyone and mail them invitations (~20 people). the worst part is that my aunt refuses to recognize that there is a time difference between eastern and central, and continues to text me at 7 or 8 am for no reason whatsoever. i basically emailed her asking wtf was going on and in her reply, she finally explained herself; it's a big luncheon, yada yada. in it, she was like "well i tried calling [place A] for the 31st (our preferred date) but they're booked." and i didn't mind this restaurant choice, but i'm like who the hell said that the 31st was an ideal day to go? who is included in this 'our'??? because i certainly didn't pick it. "[my cousins] said that [place B] is still good, we could try going there." who said i liked B? i don't. and those cousins are not good enough food critics for me to say, "YES! let's go there!". no. it was even harder dealing with her because, with my situation, i don't know if those two dates are even possible to go do anything. i don't have a job yet, i don't know where it'll be when i get one (no or br), and who's to say they'd let me off work for that day?--whatever it is that i'm doing. in addition, my bridesmaids my or may not be working. sharon works at a bridal store--their biggest day of the week is saturday (12/31 is one)--and is basically not allowed to take it off. it's ridiculous that, with paul's 6 years of observation, he told me, "you have to fight with them [my family] for control over the party they're throwing you; because if you don't, ..." well, basically all hell will break loose and you'll have the problems and concerns that i mentioned above. sorry for sounding ungrateful about it, but these guys gave me zero information, zero control, and most importantly zero input. at any rate, this thing is canceled for the time being.

wedding progress: "built" our invites and programs

edit: mom's >>brown<< dress came in! and i've started to break in my shoes (today).

wedding to do's: (c&p'd from an old post, updated)
  • decide on cake designs & buy a cake topper
  • schedule cake tastings and pick a bakery
  • find a florist
  • order invitations & programs, stamps --- we might scrap the idea of programs, but i think we've picked the invitations/response cards.
  • buy flower baskets (2 fg's), ring pillow, toasting glasses, cake serving set
  • go register
  • figure out what to get as favors/buy them
  • tell the person who is marrying us that he's marrying us
  • obtain a marriage license
mini schedule:
10/27: 3rd psyc history exam
long-term: find a full-time job, preferably in br area. >.>

my announcements came in!

i remembered something a few days after my previous posting and added it to the bottom of said post. most of you facebook people already saw it, but i guess it's for the other "masses". i use masses in quotes here because i have come to the realization that there was a huge spike in post views when i released the "NOT wedding dresses" posts. i find it unfortunate that people are more interested in photographs of myself and others wearing clothing that we decided to not purchase for such an event. you're not going to see similar, additional photographs like those for a long time.  i'd like to mention that the vast majority of my family has no access to- nor knowledge of this blog's existence, so i'm fully aware that they are not part of the spike. nonetheless, i appreciate those who still follow and comment. to be honest, you guys are more than when i started blogging--and that was in the days of high school drama, angst, etc. ...and i was posting every day back then too, going out of my way to post whether it was important or not, for all of two page hits. i can't believe it's been over seven years since i've made this thing. hmmm...... regardless, i placed this rant at the bottom of this post so that people don't feel that i'm judging them from the get-go when they see the preview on facebook. with that said, only you guys--my avid readers, will notice...as sad as that is. anyway, thanks for always showing an interest and "listening" to all of my complaints. =P ~L-c ^.~

Monday, October 10, 2011

update & pre-wedding mani

hmm i've just realized that it's been a while since i've last posted. not too much has been really going on since my last post. i took my second psyc history test and got a 72. >.> i somehow acquired an eye infection (over a week ago) and am on prescription eye drops for the time being. i went home this weekend and got my hair cut and i finally got my suit (for interviews) altered. also as a first, got a french manicure this saturday. and i seriously mean like two days ago saturday, less than 48 hours ago. but, based on the following photos, it probably doesn't look that way. i'm still trying to decide if this is going to be worth it to do for the wedding or not. but alas. and as for wedding stuff.. i picked up tarryn's dress last weekend and mom's this past. well... i sort of picked up mom's dress. it turned out to be the wrong color. basically, some genius designer at david's bridal decided to name two colors of a particular style of dress "ink" (blue) and "mink" (brown). now, mom did try on this dress in ink for size, but all records of the purchase, etc. say "mink". so, when i went to pick it up, it didn't phase me (or sharon for that matter) that the dress was blue until i was at home, two hours later, when mom was like, "why's it blue??" oooh yeah. it's supposed to be brown! >.< anyway, all i've got to say is that it's a good thing we ordered it early and have enough time to exchange it before the wedding. oh yes, also for the wedding--i got the sample invitations and i also ordered and received sample programs to choose from. i haven't shown them to anyone but mom yet, and i haven't completely decided on designs (and price for that matter) yet. also last weekend, i decided to bring all my art stuff back to baton rouge for the first time in like 3 years. i've been trying to sketch cake designs..or at least a design ^^; but i haven't quite decided what i want to do yet....... well i think that's about it for today. later. ~L-c ^.~


mini schedule:
10/13-14: fall break/work
10/14: eye doctor follow up
10/18: mom, aunt jess, and natalie's birthdays
10/19: 2nd 3020 exam
long-term: find a full-time job in br area. >.>

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

december is quickly approaching!

on monday, i ordered several sample wedding invitations to look at and choose from. can't wait for them to come in! then went to the graduation fair on tuesday to spend $300 between announcements and the brand new "custom regalia". this is the first semester they're using it and it's now purple with the lsu logo vs. black and no logo. well anyway, that's it for now. ~L-c ^.~

edit: article with all the new regalia: http://www.lsu.edu/commencement/NewsandInformation/2011/item34928.html

Saturday, September 17, 2011

things are becoming real.

i got a lot accomplished since my last post. last weekend, i bought my wedding jewelry, sooo excited! i had my first psyc history test tuesday and first 3020 test friday--got a 78 and a 84 (respectively). boooo. >.< housed and took care of jess for the past week with all the craziness going on with her. came back home to go to david's bridal and pick up my shoes, handbag, and a few other bridal party-related things. then what makes things even more real: i got an email and letter regarding the senior celebration, i.e. buying my cap and gown and ordering my announcements this monday or tuesday. kyaaa!!! so much stuff all at once!

also this past week was the career fair. yesterday paul was interviewed by entergy and is basically guaranteed to work in ANY of their nuclear plants in the country. albemarle wants him (pasadena, tx), his instructor wants him to work at his firm (baton rouge), and oncor wants him (dallas/ft. worth). decisions, decisions! but more immediately, i need a job too! december is coming so fast! @_@ well, i guess that's about all i've got for ya! later. ~Lindsay-chan ^.~

wedding to do's:
  • decide on cake designs & buy a cake topper
  • schedule cake tastings and pick a bakery
  • find a florist
  • order invitations, programs
  • buy flower baskets, ring pillow, toasting glasses, cake serving set
  • tell the person who is marrying us that he's marrying us
  • obtain a marriage license
uhh. that's all i can think of, i'm sure there's 71329857353742985 other things too. ^^;

here's my senior photos, just for the sake of showing the big difference. 2007 ---------> 2011. i can't believe it's been 4 years..

Friday, September 9, 2011

cake toppers

it went from a long weekend of nothingness to a seemingly long week of class and work. my first two exams are next week and i'm so not ready for the history test tuesday. getting a couch and desk tomorrow and my apartment will be complete! yay! well, i guess that's about all i've got for you for now. later. ~L-c ^.~

Check out languagekingaaron's China Blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/luyusiannazhoudearen

mini poll: post your opinion here or facebook comment this post
which cake topper(s) do you guys like?
Kokeshi Dolls OR Dancing Couple?

Friday, August 19, 2011

the end is near!

went home for the week to get away from br and to celebrate 3 birthdays. and well, aside from dining out..A LOT, birthday celebrations, etc. i got a lot of stuff accomplished. did some shopping for a few things for my new apartment and bought bridesmaid gifts/accessories, my shoes and handbag. then we spent a few days going over photographer information and talking to photographers. today, we've officially booked our photographer! yay~! FINALLY. >.< updated my blog layout and design a little.. sorry as always for the text color/background combination! >.< well that's about all i've got for ya. class starts on monday--well not for me at least. ^^; final semester: 6 hours! w00t! lol, later! ~Lin-chan ^.~

anticipated fall schedule (copied from previous post):
mw 730-330 work
tth 9-1030 psyc 4008--history
tth 1030-330 work
th 6-9p psyc 3020--"psyc tests measure"???

Paul's present from Sharon & Adolfo--the bag and twilight card were payback for the weird homemade cards he and ryan gave sharon for her birthday and graduation.

who else is excited for mechacon next week?!
removed my "convenient [wedding] links" from the header and added a tags module to the bottom of the right column.

Monday, July 25, 2011

say "no" to their dresses, pt. 2

ok! i think you guys are ready for the second to last wedding dress post! you'll have to wait a little less than a year to see the final post. i had to crop myself out of these pictures because you could see me in the mirrors' reflections. ^^; ~L-c ^.~

1: i think this was a no because it's not the right material and it looked ok..
2: this is our color (mailbu), not the dress. the dress sharon's trying on was too big, thus she looks a little awkward.

edit: posts from now on will be back to usual. obviously some will contain tidbits of wedding planning progress, but school's slowly approaching and well..there'll be a lot of school related posts coming soon.
anticipated fall schedule:
mw 730-330 work
tth 9-1030 psyc 4008--history
tth 1030-330 work
th 6-9p psyc 3020--"psyc tests measure"???

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

say "no" to their dresses, pt. 1

i think it's about time for another post for you guys. so here ya go. and of course, as stated two posts ago, tarryn's expression (in the third picture) is hilarious! ~L-c ^.~

meh about the black dress: i didn't like the weird sash thing that just hangs there (first picture, tarryn's left). it seems kinda out of place and strange to me. cool thing about the green dress: it has pockets! i don't remember why we decided against it...


Saturday, June 25, 2011

say "no" to the dress, pt. 3

hey! haven't had much to 'talk' about the past couple weeks and have been busy lately. so, sorry for depriving you guys of another post. there's three more hidden posts after this one, and one of which, you will have to wait until next year to see. =P later. ~L-c ^.~

so here's my #2 choice dress.

Friday, June 10, 2011

say "NO" to the dress, pt. 2

so we went and picked up my dress last weekend and it was soooooooooo much better in the petite. the zipper actually stopped where it was supposed to, and not halfway through my thigh (not really, but still). it looked really awesome and stuff! >excited<

so because i'm feeling up for it and the drastic increase in blog views on the last two posts, i've decided to gradually post all of the "no's", including the "no" bridesmaids' dresses. i may even go to the extent of posting try-ons of my actual dress...but not until after the wedding of course. =P

so here ya go. volume 2. i blew them up this time so you can see the detail better. ~L-c ^.~

ps: tarryn's expression is hilarious!

ps2: today, i gave my previous post a title. and yes, these titles are based off the tv show "say yes to the dress".

edit: for those of you who have not seen this article and video, you must read and watch: >clicky<
lol! i started every paragraph with "so"...again.

Friday, June 3, 2011

say "HELLS NO" to this dress, pt. 1

so i'm not sure how many people saw this or not, but in regards to alex-chan's comment on my previous post asking what dress i picked, i answered her via facebook. anyway, i can show you what the dress is not. so at david's bridal, the fitting rooms have mirrors on the outer-sides (as shown in left pic). as soon as i came out, closed the door, looked, and this dress HAD to come off. i mean mermaid style probably does look ok on some people, but not for me when i'm trying regular sized dresses (vs. petite). anyway, here they are, the pictures that the moms and grandma absolutely had to take. ew. ~L-c ^.~


edit: title has been added.
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