Friday, November 6, 2015

weeks 20 & 21

it's been another couple of up and down weeks! ~Lindsay-chan ^.~
week 20
monday: it was a weird day. the weekend was ridiculously rainy, so i got flooded into my parking lot. more like the major street behind my apartment was completely flooded and traffic was being diverted right along the other side of my apartment, making it nearly physically impossible to leave. more like it would have taken me over an hour of going about in debris-filled streets just to go to work. not to mention the other major streets in the surrounding area were also either barricaded off or flooded the night previously. no thank you. so i ended up taking an at home day, thankfully my manager was understanding. and it was great and it sucked at the same time. after my failed attempt to drive out of the parking lot, i came in and changed into sweatpants. yup. then, i took our daily skype meeting in the bedroom because paul was sleeping in the office/spare bedroom. a couple hours later, i woke him up and kicked him out so i could sit at my desk. then i periodically took calls from my desk and kind of but not really ran around the apartment the whole time. around 10, the news posted a photo from the street behind my apartment. it was of a parked, flooded car..basically at the other end of our apartment complex (across from the very popular bar/seafood restaurant). so that was awesome to see. then sometime around 12-1, i was looking out of the window and saw that they opened up the street again (by the bookstore). anyway. pros and cons from working at home: sweatpants, but lots of distractions.
tuesday: spent the afternoon working on a few forms that our whole office has to complete. one of them is like an end of project review and the other is about my goals for the year, both of which are kind of but not really taken into consideration our end of year performance reviews.
wednesday: it was a continuation of wednesday. i was hoping to finish them by lunch, but that didn't end up happening. the end of project form was a lot more tedious than anticipated, and i ended up finishing it close to 4.
thursday: in the morning, i finished of the goals form, finally...or well, half of it. my manager had to approve it, then send it back for me to say what i did, like if i achieved those goals and stuff..because apparently the goal-setting part was something i was supposed to do a long time ago. haha. yeah....
friday: we finally finished a task we took the previous week for our project. at lunch time, they had a party out on the terrace, which was kind of fun. they had a costume contest, and most of the office came out to relax for a while. it was funny, my manager came over and took a picture of me. haha. i had the simplest outfit on too, i had all black on and cat ears. no kitty nose or whiskers, but yeah idk, haha. maybe 10 minutes later, two of the HR ladies and my manager pull me over and tell me not to laugh, but am i dressed as an anime cat? and i laughed, and said it's funny you guys mention that, i bought these cat ears at an anime convention a few years ago! and then we had an awkward conversation about how the three of them' (aged 15-20s) all liked anime. it was such an awkward conversation! hahaha, but it was funny that they were the ones that brought it up!

makeup: more or less the same as the halloween party post, but i used the urban decay naked smoky palette following this tutorial, with rimmel's black eyeliner on the waterlines and lower lash line, setting the lower lash line with ud black market.

week 21
monday: i'm now considered not on a project! what. but technically i still am. we are going to keep on keeping on with what we've been doing until we can get onto a client project..which is what the "smart" people of our group have been doing for several months now. and speaking of them, all of them flew in to participate in some trainings in our office this week. so that's cool, we get to see them in person again! unfortunately, we didn't get much accomplished on our project because it's hard for those guys to answer any questions we had quickly. so we ended up watching some youtube videos relevant to what we're working on.
tuesday: it was awful. they have these meetings for people who aren't on projects..basically pity parties to encourage everyone to keep applying for projects and contact the pm's, yadda yadda. it was awful and i hope i get on something again soon. a few hours later, we had a quarterly conference call and it was ridiculously annoying. for some reason our managers decided to round us up into a conference room that did not have enough chairs for all of us. then they opened it up with like 10 minutes of "something fun" to lighten things up. and then they ran late because they wasted too much time at the beginning on nonsense. not to mention that i was fidgety the entire time because it was awkward sitting in a room, facing other people, while trying to look at the presentation screen and not my hands or the computer or phone...for an hour. and the person in control of the powerpoint (it was a cloud meeting, controlled by the powers that be) wasn't keeping up with what slide was supposed to be on the screen. >.> yeah. kind of a crappy day all together.
wednesday: we spend most of the morning dawdling around and finishing some of the youtube videos i started monday. i started going over a java tutorial to try and learn it, but i probably should go to other, better sites than the one i picked. after lunch, the guys messaged us to work on something related to our project and it was magic after a while, whatever the issue was, wasn't something we did or needed to fix! then afterward, my manager comes by to tell S and i to fix a few things on our resumes because they weren't fully inclusive or appealing (elaborate more on our skills), and that he's sending them off to someone. so that means there's something in the works for us.
thursday: we had another early morning pity party. it sucked. just like last time. otherwise, i didn't get a whole lot accomplished. i tried working on the app we're making to no avail. after work, we all went out to dinner, which was kind of cool.
friday: spent the day slaving away at understanding how to make our app, as well as taking a mini tour of the area surrounding our office with the one remaining guy from our group. he's actually staying til next week to help us learn more, as well as give a few lunch and learn sessions for whoever in our office, which will definitely be beneficial.

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