Tuesday, July 21, 2015

my first week with the bellabeat leaf

hi guys! today i bring you my first week's impressions of the bellabeat leaf*! this is a health tracker, and it looked nice, like a piece of jewelry (which is one of it's marketing points..smart jewelry....), and i wanted to give it a try since i suck at everything health related. it came with a bracelet and necklace. last month, they emailed us about getting an extra necklace (different design) for being an early adopter. for whatever reason, they chose not to include it in the package without an explanation that they would be sending it later (i emailed them asking about it).

i could be crazy, but i feel like i read somewhere that they were going to include the special screw driver so that we could change the batteries...didn't see that in the box and i'm not too sure that everyone would have the means to unscrew this guy... the screws have a similar star pattern as the ones in my iphone 6, but slightly with larger heads.

it did take me several tries to figure out how to use the bracelet. even after reading the user manual, i was still kinda confused. so just try it a few times til you get it right!

the app
first and foremost, the features of the app that i have not used are: contraceptive reminder alarms, breathing exercises (or whatever they call it..), wake-up alarm (it seems like the phone has to be bluetoothed all night), and alarm (idk why you'd need a separate alarm....).

i do know and acknowledge that this is a brand new product, so the app is not perfect and has bugs here and there, but here's the issues i had with it as of now.

when you first download and open the app, it asks for your birthday, weight, height, and date of your last cycle. not that this totally matters, but my birthday for some reason would not save correctly. it would change it to a couple days before....so i tried a couple days after, and it finally stayed right... weird. [don't forget, i'm supposedly going to be an app architect once all my training is done--oversights happen. LOL.]

synchronizing the leaf with the app -- this works via bluetooth, and it's only ok. after the initial sync to the app, the app remembers your device (if necessary, you can un-pair and re-pair it with your phone). the thing i'm iffy about with the sync-ing is that, after hitting the sync button, it asks you to double tap the leaf unit for the app to "find" it. sometimes i would double-tap the leaf for like 15-30 seconds before the app would respond. so hopefully that'll be something that gets fixed or something.

the sleep quality/monitoring aspect isn't perfect, but it's pretty close--if you want, you can manually adjust the time that you were asleep---it was off by about 2 hours the first night. the cycle tracker seems pretty accurate, it estimates when your next one is. needless to say, mine feel within the past week or so, and i had to manually adjust the day that it actually started; i think it came a little later than usual because of the stress from moving. (tmi, i know, but hey it's fairly close!)

i've got extremely mixed feelings about the pedometer and inactivity alarm, which go hand in hand. i wish the setting for the inactivity alarm was a little more intuitive. 1 to 5 levels of activities means crap to me. because apparently a 3 is like not moving around for 3 hours??? or something. i don't really know. one day, i was sitting at my desk at work, and shortly after coming back from the bathroom it started to vibrate for the inactivity alarm---uhhh i just took a short walk. wtf. other examples......... we like moved apartments and stuff. the day that my family came to help us move, sure maybe i did do 13000 steps. that's logical. but on a day that teh paul and i moved 3? car loads in and out of two different apartments, and running up and down the stairs--i only had 4000 steps? and this was including the steps i took while at work that day. i'm 99% certain that the way you wear the device depends on how effective the pedometer is. the 4000 steps day was the necklace, and the 13k moving day steps was clipped to my shirt (as shown in my instagram photo). and the day that the inactivity alarm went off shortly after coming back from the bathroom--that was the bracelet. so i really am not sure what is going on with this....

the verdict
anyway, overall it's been an interesting experience. i'll still keep using it and testing it out, it is a first generation! anyway, aside from my uncertainty with the pedometer/inactivity alarm, i've been enjoying this. i've even gotten compliments on it---"oh i like your necklace!" thanks! it's a health tracker. "what!?" yeeeep. ^_^ was it worth the $100 i paid for it (i had a coupon code, it's regularly $119)? yes, i think it was.
~Lindsay-chan ^.~

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